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any suggestions for not giving into your sweet tooth?
I have so much trouble resisting dessert food, especially at night. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to not give into your sweet tooth? I really need help with this. It's been keeping me from sticking to my diet and being optimistic about losing weight.
Mon. Feb 12, 10:34pm
sweet tooth
I think some of us are hard-wired for sugar. For some of us it's like an addiction, while other people can go weeks without dessert.
One approach is to go cold turkey. Cravings do go away over time. But in my case, it always creeps back. Moderation is good too, but sometimes a little sugar is a "trigger" and I end up binging.
Some of these foods help with my cravings:
- berry or chai tea (one tsp of sugar is only 16 calories and makes it sweet)
- fruit
- yogurt
- small amounts of dark chocolate (cadbury thin or a couple lindt squares)
- hard candies (like jolly ranchers)
- gum
- diet pop or jello (depends whether you're okay with artificial sweeteners)
- popsicles/fudgesicles (some small ones are only 50 cal)
I'm interested to hear other people's suggestions...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 12:20 AM
i have a really bad sweet tooth and i find i really have to just not buy the stuff! If i do make something bad, like a batch of brownies or cake, I'll make my boyfriend take leftovers to work or wrap them individually and freeze them. I'm not about to gorge on a frozen brownie and if i decide to defrost one hopefully just one will do the trick.
other lower cal options:
ripe fruit
applesauce (sometimes i mix it with granola-yum!)
chai sweetened w/ honey/milk
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 12:57 AM
I have the evening sweet tooth as well. I find that if I leave myself ~150 calories I can have hot chocolate made with skim milk, dark cocao and SF flavored syrup (irish cream is a fave). I put it in an insulated mug and slowly sip it while I read or relax. Occasionally I have a skinny cow ice cream sandwich, but don't find them to be nearly as satisfying.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 1:03 AM
I make myself a cup Lipton Cinnamon Apple tea, somehow to me it tastes very sweet. Maybe because I'm used to associating cinnamon apple flavor with sweetness, but there's 0 sugar in it, and 0 calories! Can't beat that. Just drop the teabag in a cup of boiling water and enjoy.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 2:23 AM
like the other poster, i love to drink hot cocoa when i crave something sweet. to double the chocolate hit, i will have a chocolate pudding handi-pak (about 90 cals each) along with the cocoa. cremesavers are also great.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 5:31 AM
If you like the hot drink ideas...
Nestle Carb Select Hot Cocoa Mix is only 25 calories per cup.
Alpine Spiced Cider Apple Flavor Drink Mix is 80 calories per cup.
I too save about 75-150 calories for the evening so I can have a carefully selected dessert or glass of wine.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 9:41 AM
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