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I am 52 ! I am ready to give up!
I have been dieting sice I was a teen ager. I weigh 100lbs more then when I was in my 20's I have tried every diet their is. I can't afford weight watchers thi week.I look in the mirror and I am old. My youth is gone.I I know age is just a number yat Yah ! Whatever. I still would like to be 80lbs slimmer to look better. I just don't know It is so hard to diet. i would just like to relax and eat what I want. I was thinking maybe dieting every other day might work. Any suggestions
Sat. Feb 10, 3:23pm
You are going to have to find a way to make vegetables taste good, and keep increasing the amount you take in every day. Maybe if you keep within some sort of points range and then add veggies on top of that.
If nothing else, if you start eating a ton of vegetables you are going to feel better.
Is your log public? Maybe you can make it public and have the community offer you different ideas?
This might be a good team for you, here is the link...
Saturday, February 10, 2007, 4:47 PM
Don't give up! It is never too late to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Try adding one healthful thing per week. Example: This week I will drink 2 more glasses of water per day. This week I will eat one piece of fruit in place of my normal unhealthy snack. This week I will get 10 minutes of exercise every day.
...and before you know it you feel better, stronger, healthier...and all those small changes add up to an amazing you! It's not an over-night's a forever thing. You CAN do it. Once you know you can...there is no stopping you!
Best wishes and be good to yourself!
Saturday, February 10, 2007, 4:56 PM
You need to want a slimmer body more than you want all the food you feel like eating. It doesn't sound like you're in that place yet. Many of us have an "epiphany" moment, hopefully yours is on its way!
Saturday, February 10, 2007, 6:15 PM
Great comments and suggestions
Especially about adding the Veggies, and making small steps your goals, rather than lose 80 pounds.
Here might be some motivation for you. Life expectancy is increasing to the point that we are being told that those of us who are still alive in the year 2020
(and that is ONLY 13 years away now) will have a life expectancy of 120years. You are only 52 now. You may live almost 70 more years. Now note, I did NOT say they would be GOOD years Do you want to live those years as an invalid? How much of your live do you want to have to be taken care of by overworked staff in a care facility?!?!
You can do this. If I can, you can. Start moving, start eating nutrients, throw away the junk in your life that will send you to a wheel chair, having to be hoisted by lifts and tended by people like me, who have 20 people to get up and dressed in 2 hours every morning. I know what I am talking about. YOU DON'T WANT THIS.
Saturday, February 10, 2007, 7:17 PM
Here's some quotes from one of the spotlight logs:
"It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi
"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." - Harriet Beecher Stowe
Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. -Abraham Lincoln
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Confucius.
Good luck.
Sunday, February 11, 2007, 10:44 AM
exercise, not dieting
My advice (based on my own experience, -70 lbs) is that the exercise is crucial, not just for losing weight and being healthier, but because it is something POSITIVE you can do in your day for you, not something negative that you are taking away from yourself and denying yourself. The trick is to make is as positive as possible, and of course when you are carrying a lot of weight around you have to start slow. I started with walking the track and a real easy aerobics class at the Y with a lot of seniors in it (I was 28!) If you have tried dieting your whole life, just save yourself more misery and accept that it doesn't work for you. However, focusing on exercise can only make you feel better and look better. As a side note, if you hook up with a group of older women who see themselves as athletes, you will gain a new perspective on aging -- just cause you have wrinkles doesn't mean you can't kick butt!
Sunday, February 11, 2007, 12:28 PM
Food can also be a very positive thing. The reason it is a problem in the US is that our general diet is so messed up and basically bad for you. Makes you fat, makes you feel bad, makes you crazy as well I think. Did for me at least. Do you enjoy cooking? start playing around with ways to cook healthy food and make them taste delicious. A little salt, pepper, olive oil, garlic can go a long long way. Focus on having fun with it. Turning a negative into a positive is one of the most powerful things you can do.
Sunday, February 11, 2007, 1:30 PM
I'm 50 and have had to watch my weight since my teens. The two main things that have worked for me is #1..NO DIETING. I learned long ago that it just isn't worth eating somethng I may want knowing how I will feel later. The longer you eat healthy, the less you can tolerate unhealthy foods. I love pizza and occasionally have it but I know it will make me feel sluggish. I don;t enjoy that feeling. #2.Consistency..whether it's eating or exercise you have to do it every day. These are special occasions where I eat something special, but not every day is a special occasion. Same thing for exercise. Put it on the calendar, your appt book, whatever, but make it a part of every day. If you miss a day at the gym, walk around the block. Take classes at the Y, swim at the local pool, go to the mall and walk but move everyday. Again, once it becomes a habit you won't like the way you feel if you don't do it. Guaranteed.
You are not old at 52. You have a support group here on Peer Trainer.
Sunday, February 11, 2007, 6:49 PM
2/11/07 at 6:49. More power to you. I wish I could be like you but I lack discpline.
Monday, February 19, 2007, 12:23 AM
You're never too old to take care of yourself. I'm 58 and have lost 46 pounds since last January with Peertrainer and within 17 pounds of my goal. Never give up! You can do It! Good luck to you!
Monday, February 19, 2007, 9:58 AM
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