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I read an article today in the NYT about this new diet drug that is becoming available over the counter. Anyone here have experience/ thoughts/ comments about this? I am looking to lose about 20 pounds but am not obsese - just overweight.
Thu. Feb 8, 3:24pm
wow, yet another miracle drug to lose weight. and with FDA approval, i bet it will make the manufacturer's pockets fat. eat right and exercise. you can accomplish your goals this way if you stay focused.
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:30 PM
I read the article, and was wondering whether the drug really works on its own, or whether its main effect isn't to keep you from eating fat by giving your diarrhea every time you ate some!
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:39 PM
The data in states "5% of their body weight in six months"?! Wow. Where do I sign up for a product that will cost me about $700 a year (Glaxo states $1-2 for a daily does), give me side effects, and let me lose weight at a snail's pace? Oh, goody, goody. Can we say placebo effect, anyone?
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:41 PM
i heard that you could eat bag after bag of the "oleo"-laced potato chips and not gain weight, too!!!
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:45 PM
Sorry for all the sarcastic comments but I hope you get the point. There is no free ride.
Take a pill to lose weight, and if it works guess what when you stop it'll all come back.
There is only one sure way to lose weight that always works and makes you healthier. Eat right, diet and exercise!
And with it stating it will help you lose 5% of your body weight in 6 months that really is nothing. If you are 200lbs that's just 10lbs in 6 months. If you do diet and exercise and can only lose 1lb a week you'll lose 26lbs in that same time frame.
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:54 PM
And with it stating it will help you lose 5% of your body weight in 6 months that really is nothing. If you are 200lbs that's just 10lbs in 6 months. If you do diet and exercise and can only lose 1lb a week you'll lose 26lbs in that same time frame.
Not that I disagree with your point about no free ride, but if you read the articles about it, what they are saying is that if you diet and exercise you will lose the 26 pounds plus 10 from taking it -- so 5%
lost. It's not supposed to be used without a diet and exercise program. Not that that will stop people, mind you!
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 4:19 PM
It says in the article on the front page of Yahoo! News that for every 5lbs of weight that you lose through diet and exercise, you'll likely lose another 2-3lbs if you're using this pill. So, it's 50% more. In terms of weight loss, if you have 50lbs to lose, you could lose all 50 in the time that it'd normally take you to lose 30-35, doing everything else as you would. That's not insignificant! But, it's not the miracle pill that people think of when they think "diet pill." There will never be a product where you can sit on your @$$ and eat potato chips and brownies all day, and lose weight. Except, maybe, tapeworm!
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 4:20 PM
According to the ladies on The View, it's supposed to prevent your body from absorbing up to 25% of the fat you consume. Um...that's not a whole lot. If you eat 50g fat in a day (about right or a little high for someone dieting), that means it blocks about 110 calories. Is that worth $1-2 a day? Uh-uh.
Of course, you could get your money's worth by eating a stack of Big Macs - that way you'd eliminate 50 out of 200g of fat (1800 calories) 450 calories.
(That's a joke).
Thursday, February 8, 2007, 4:41 PM
OP here
thanks for your comments, everyone. I needed to be reminded that it is just cutting calories and exercise that will lead to long-term, sustainable weight-loss. If anyone does end up using it (or has used it in the past), I would still be interested in your experience. Thanks!
Friday, February 9, 2007, 6:50 AM
Update: It's selling for $1-2 per pill, not per daily dose. The full cost of a 30-day supply of this drug is expected to be about $180.
Thursday, February 22, 2007, 12:41 PM
money that would be much better spent paying for a monthly gym membership, massage & spa visit.
Thursday, February 22, 2007, 12:52 PM
Say what you want about this pill. No, it's not a miracle cure for weight loss but do the math. If you can block 25% of the fat from being absorbed into your system while on a healthier eating plan than what made you fat in the first place them why not? I just started the plan and I am amazed at how much fat my body must have been absorbing without Alli. I am going to stick with it for the 60 day duration. The only reason their are so many posts about side effects is that people continue to eat crap daily. Stop eating that way and take the pill like I am doing and see what happens. I am really excited about the potential results. Oh, and don't forget to go to your local drug store and pick up some multi-vitamins. They say that vitamin D is important while on the program.
Saturday, June 16, 2007, 1:45 PM
Finally, a posting from someone taking the plunge. Please keep us updated on things like how you were eating before taking Alli and how you're eating while on Alli, your rate of weight loss before and after, etc.
I'm as skeptical as the snarky posters above, and I won't pay $50 to lose one more pound a month, but if the reality is that it's even a little more than that, I'd consider it.
Saturday, June 16, 2007, 2:07 PM
Alli Follow-up from my last posting
Ok, here is the information you have been waiting for. Does Alli work or is it just another weight loss gimmick? Before I tell you anything about it, I want to set you up on my particular circumstances. I have been so overworked that I truly have lost the time to exercise in the past month. I know what you are thinking . . . you lazy bum . . . everyone can find the time to exercise and use work i an excuse. Well, maybe true but if there was time I was too damn tired to do it. What I did do is watch what I ate. No fast food to speak of, smart menu choices when dining out, cut down on my sweets. That was so easy to do to and I felt better about myself doing this as well. I never went hungry nor did I ever deprive myself of anything I really wanted. Just was conscious of what I was consuming. Ok, now for the exciting part. As mentioned I had been busy and did not even weigh myself before during or after taking Alli. I know big mistake. I recently purchased a designer suit and the tailor made the jacked too tight around the mid section. I needed the suit two weeks ago for a wedding in the Napa Ca hills at the Auberge Du Soleil. The company could not get me another suit in time for the wedding so I agreed not to button the jacket. They told me to bring it back after the wedding and they would replace it and alter it once again. Today, when I got to the tailor they had me try on the new uncut jacket and they were having a hard time deciding whether to re-cut the suit again or take it in on the sides. The tailor said I would like to see what I did on the other jacket to get more ideas on how to take the new one in. Well, I put the jacket on and it fit like a glove. Perfect, perfect, perfect. Two weeks and I must have lost a lot of inches. This jacket was not even close to being right two weeks ago. I am really excited. My suggestion is to give it a try. I am now going to exercise a lot and I'll bet the pounds just fall off. Good luck everyone and I hope this gives you some motivation.
Saturday, July 7, 2007, 10:10 PM
Per my Post below :Alli Follow-Up from my last posting
Looks like I lost another two inches this week. Yahoo!
I never considered myself a "high fat eater" but I guess I must have been fooling myself. I have a new regard for what goes into my mouth. I am not a large eater nor do I consider myself a junk food eater. I am now aware that their are unhealthy fats everywhere just waiting to attach themselves like leaches.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007, 1:07 PM
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