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A box of Birdseye frozen spinach costs $1.49

at my local supermarket. Store brand is $1.29. Sure it is not organic, but that box of spinach is 100 calories worth of food, 7 grams of protein, a ton of fiber, 400 mg of calcium, 8 mg of iron, 242 mg of magnesium, 1.8 mg of zinc, 6 mg of selenium, and it will fill you up nicely cooked with some garlic, red pepper flakes, lemon juice, salt and pepper. I'm sure the same thing is like $2 at Whole Foods for the organic version, stil not too bad.

If you add one tablespoon of olive oil that is another 100 calories. For 200 or so calories, you are going to feel fairly full, and you'll get an energy boost.

Thu. Feb 8, 2:05pm

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.....and if you're picky like me and can't stand frozen spinach - a bag of fresh, already cleaned spinach at Trader Joe's is $1.99. Can't beat it! I love to slip fresh spinach into all kinds of things - it can really dress up a pasta dish (replace some of the pasta with spinach), goes surprising well in soups and is lovely just sautee'd as the OP suggests.

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 2:52 PM

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Wow, I don't pay nearly that much for frozen spinach. I think that by volume the bags of organic frozen spinach at Wild Oats are cheaper.

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:41 PM

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Yesterday I tried a new recipe that had spinach in an omelet. It was wonderful. I looked up some nutrition info on both eggs and spinach, and they are pretty much a perfect fit nutritionwise. What one doesn't have, the other seems too. Of course, if you don't eat whole eggs, then this does not hold true, but I just thought I would throw that out there.

Bird's Eye can be pricey, but man, they sure know how to supply good tasting veggies. I just tried some of their asparagus. The best I had ever tried.

They really pack a lot into those little boxes, too. Around here, at this time of year, frozen Vegetables are more nutritious than fresh produce, because of having to ship and store them so far.

I try hard to find organic spinach. It is one of the few vegetables I will go out of my way to find.

Saturday, February 10, 2007, 11:29 AM

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