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food allergies, common or obscure

It's a mine field lately like everything has soy, nuts, etc. I know peanut butter is on the list, is seafood? Can you be allergic to nitrates? Please help.

Thu. Feb 8, 9:25am

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what do you mean? do you yourself have these allergies? your child? or are you just worried about developing them?

you can be allergic to nitrates-absolutely. nitrates are preservatives most often used in deli meat, cured meats, sausages etc. symptoms of an allergic reaction to nitrates include skin rashes, runny nose/sneezing, asthma etc.

yes, you can be allergic to seafood. most people who have a seafood allergy though are allergic to one "group" and not to another. for example-you may be allergic to invertebrates (crustaceans/molluscs), like clams, mussels, oysters, scallops, shrimp, crab, crayfish but not to vertebrates (aka. scaly fish)-salmon, cod, mackerel, tuna etc.

hope this helps!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 1:13 PM

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to what "list" is the OP referring?

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 1:27 PM

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My sister-in-law is a brownie troop leader. There are all kinds of rules now in schools since kids have tons of allergies. I don't remember this when I was in elementary school (only 20 yrs ago). The kids who were allergic, just didn't eat it. Things like peanut butter have become such a hazard that she can't use it in any form, at all or even bring it in to the school. The school has adopted this "no junk food" policy. So, no candy for parties, no cupcakes, like candy in a party is that terrible.

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 3:53 PM

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maybe the "no junk food" policy is in response to the growing number of cases of children with obesity issues? or diabetes? i was not allowed to eat candy when i was growing up, except for special occasions or some holidays, but even then i was given the candy, i was not allowed to decide how much i was going to have. i think all schools should adopt the same policy!!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 4:02 PM

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common allergies

A friend e-mailed me this morning and said she was going food shopping today and wanted to start stocking her house with some primal-friendly foods. So I mentally walked through my house - my pantry, my fridge, the freezer - and compiled a list of stuff I always try and keep stocked and on hand at all times.

Cost was an issue so I added in some hints to buy as safely and smart as possible when organic isn't an option.

Nuts - which we eat a ton of. Buy in bulk. A large bag can be $10-20 but Almond Butter. Use in place of peanut butter. I love it on a nice crispy apple!
Seeds - pumpkin and sunflower - great in salads, chicken salad, etc. and lots of good fat and protein to fill you up
Canned tomatoes - diced. You can use these in so many recipes and they are relatively cheap.
Tuna (preferably in its own oil)
Canned coconut Milk (sooooo delicious with curry!)
Coconut Oil - great for pan-frying. Can be pricey but has many health benefits. Stick with olive oil if you have to.
Grapeseed Oil. Great IN recipes, especially baking. Again pricey and you can stick with olive oil, which tens to be easier to afford.
Almond Flour/Almond Meal/Coconut Flour. Buy online. Much cheaper
Arrowroot (expensive at first but a little goes a long way - used in many baking recipes)
Stevia/Local honey - If you aren't afraid of artificial sweeteners, use Splenda. It's cheap and measures like sugar and can be used in all recipes. I try and avoid the artificial stuff but I sneak a little Splenda here and there in my coffee.

common allergies


Monday, February 21, 2011, 3:49 AM

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