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any good places to shop for affordable Organic foods?

I cant afford the trendy and fancy food stores for organic foods. I wanted to know if any thrifty people here know where to get Organic Milf and Organic eggs for a reasonable price. As I hear organic is very good for you as it is all natural

Wed. Feb 7, 10:33pm

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organic milf? bwahahaha! i know it's a typo, but you just made me laugh out loud!!!!

i find that as far as a natural/whole foods grocery store goes, Trader Joe's is very very reasonable. There are somethings i buy there that are cheaper than in regular grocery stores so i stock up on non perishables when i'm there.

as far as eggs go-do you have any neighbors or know of anyone who raises chickens? my sister has about 30 chickens and sells eggs to friends all the time for much cheaper than the stores sell. She knows that the eggs will go bad if she doesn't pass them on to someone and people like having fresh, organic eggs that come from well loved chickens!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 12:15 AM

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organic milf? bwahahaha! i know it's a typo, but you just made me laugh out loud!!!!

i find that as far as a natural/whole foods grocery store goes, Trader Joe's is very very reasonable. There are somethings i buy there that are cheaper than in regular grocery stores so i stock up on non perishables when i'm there.

as far as eggs go-do you have any neighbors or know of anyone who raises chickens? my sister has about 30 chickens and sells eggs to friends all the time for much cheaper than the stores sell. She knows that the eggs will go bad if she doesn't pass them on to someone and people like having fresh, organic eggs that come from well loved chickens!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 12:15 AM

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organic milf? bwahahaha! i know it's a typo, but you just made me laugh out loud!!!!

i find that as far as a natural/whole foods grocery store goes, Trader Joe's is very very reasonable. There are somethings i buy there that are cheaper than in regular grocery stores so i stock up on non perishables when i'm there.

as far as eggs go-do you have any neighbors or know of anyone who raises chickens? my sister has about 30 chickens and sells eggs to friends all the time for much cheaper than the stores sell. She knows that the eggs will go bad if she doesn't pass them on to someone and people like having fresh, organic eggs that come from well loved chickens!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 12:15 AM

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sorry I live in the city and no chicken farm neighbors around. Thanks for the suggestions!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 10:30 AM

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sorry I live in the city and no chicken farm neighbors around. Thanks for the suggestions!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 10:30 AM

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sorry I live in the city and no chicken farm neighbors around. Thanks for the suggestions!

Thursday, February 8, 2007, 10:30 AM

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Organic Shopping/Growing

I have been eating Organic foods for 2 years now. Recently I have not been able to afford the $200-250 grocery bill I was accustomed to. Now I have gotten smarter on how to shop and what to eat. Stock up on grains, broths, meats, vegetables, spices and oils. Make stir fry, soups and items you can eat off of for more than one night.

Are there any markets in your area? What city do you live in? I read today in an organic magazine that local, fresh food is sometimes better than organic. Get to know the farmers and most times you'll find out they are all natural or organic. Small farmers cannot afford the $10,000 USDA Organic label. f

Have you thought about growing a patio garden or indoor hydroponic garden? I just purchased some organic seeds and soil online and am anxious to get started (even though a late start) on tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce and carrots. Here are some helpful sites I used for research on a successful patio garden:,1785,HGTV_3562_2014380,00.html

Another item I found online was organic meat in bulk that is delivered to your home. I found it resonable and a wide variety of cuts.

I ordered organic seeds and starting soil.

Also you can purchase Seventh Generation in bulk if you have the room to store it.

Look into joining or starting a co-op in your area.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, May 13, 2007, 4:38 PM

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Organic Shopping/Growing

I have been eating Organic foods for 2 years now. Recently I have not been able to afford the $200-250 grocery bill I was accustomed to. Now I have gotten smarter on how to shop and what to eat. Stock up on grains, broths, meats, vegetables, spices and oils. Make stir fry, soups and items you can eat off of for more than one night.

Are there any markets in your area? What city do you live in? I read today in an organic magazine that local, fresh food is sometimes better than organic. Get to know the farmers and most times you'll find out they are all natural or organic. Small farmers cannot afford the $10,000 USDA Organic label. f

Have you thought about growing a patio garden or indoor hydroponic garden? I just purchased some organic seeds and soil online and am anxious to get started (even though a late start) on tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce and carrots. Here are some helpful sites I used for research on a successful patio garden:,1785,HGTV_3562_2014380,00.html

Another item I found online was organic meat in bulk that is delivered to your home. I found it resonable and a wide variety of cuts.

I ordered organic seeds and starting soil.

Also you can purchase Seventh Generation in bulk if you have the room to store it.

Look into joining or starting a co-op in your area.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, May 13, 2007, 4:38 PM

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Organic Shopping/Growing

I have been eating Organic foods for 2 years now. Recently I have not been able to afford the $200-250 grocery bill I was accustomed to. Now I have gotten smarter on how to shop and what to eat. Stock up on grains, broths, meats, vegetables, spices and oils. Make stir fry, soups and items you can eat off of for more than one night.

Are there any markets in your area? What city do you live in? I read today in an organic magazine that local, fresh food is sometimes better than organic. Get to know the farmers and most times you'll find out they are all natural or organic. Small farmers cannot afford the $10,000 USDA Organic label. f

Have you thought about growing a patio garden or indoor hydroponic garden? I just purchased some organic seeds and soil online and am anxious to get started (even though a late start) on tomatoes, broccoli, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce and carrots. Here are some helpful sites I used for research on a successful patio garden:,1785,HGTV_3562_2014380,00.html

Another item I found online was organic meat in bulk that is delivered to your home. I found it resonable and a wide variety of cuts.

I ordered organic seeds and starting soil.

Also you can purchase Seventh Generation in bulk if you have the room to store it.

Look into joining or starting a co-op in your area.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, May 13, 2007, 4:38 PM

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Wow...Kerrin you are such an asset to all of us here. Thanks for all the information!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 12:01 PM

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Wow...Kerrin you are such an asset to all of us here. Thanks for all the information!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 12:01 PM

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Wow...Kerrin you are such an asset to all of us here. Thanks for all the information!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 12:01 PM

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You could try looking here for organic produce:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 1:31 PM

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You could try looking here for organic produce:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 1:31 PM

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You could try looking here for organic produce:

Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 1:31 PM

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You know, we have Safeway here and Albretson's. Safeway's O Organics is very popular, and it is often on sale. Much of their produce is the same price as the regular produce and there are often sales. Our Wal-Mart Super center also carries Organics at a good price

Thursday, July 12, 2007, 7:34 PM

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You know, we have Safeway here and Albretson's. Safeway's O Organics is very popular, and it is often on sale. Much of their produce is the same price as the regular produce and there are often sales. Our Wal-Mart Super center also carries Organics at a good price

Thursday, July 12, 2007, 7:34 PM

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You know, we have Safeway here and Albretson's. Safeway's O Organics is very popular, and it is often on sale. Much of their produce is the same price as the regular produce and there are often sales. Our Wal-Mart Super center also carries Organics at a good price

Thursday, July 12, 2007, 7:34 PM

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