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WW Points

Does anyone have how to calculate how points you should be eating with the new weight watchers flex plan? I've heard the formula has more involved then the old one with points assigned by weight range. I haven't been able to find anything on-line with this info.

Wed. Feb 7, 11:31am

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That's because they want you to go to (and pay for ) a meeting.

Sorry, I don;t recall the details and don't have my info packet with me. I know it starts with the first two digits of your weight. (So I am 144 that means 14.)
Then adds points based on height - the shorter you are, the fewer points you get. BUt I don't recall the exact formula.

What I do know is that my target points went down :(

At age 46, height 5'5", and weight 144, my target is 19. And that's tough.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007, 11:47 AM

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Here is the Daily point target range for FLEX PLAN

Your Wt. Right now Daily Points Target

Less than 150 20
150-174 lbs 22
175-199 24
200-224 26
225-249 28
250-274 30
275-299 31
300-324 32
325-349 33
350 or more lbs 34

Add 10 extra points for nursing mothers
And females under 16 and males under 19 add 2 pts for extra milk serving

Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 12:04 PM

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Your Wt. Right now in pounds----------(Daily Points Target)

Less than 150---------- (20)
150-174 lbs ---------- (22)
175-199 lbs ---------- (24)
200-224 lbs ---------- (26)
225-249 lbs ---------- (28)
250-274 lbs ---------- (30)
275-299 lbs --------- (31)
300-324 lbs --------- (32)
325-349 lbs --------- (33)
350 or more lbs -------(34)

Add 10 extra points for nursing mothers
And females under 16 and males under 19 add 2 pts for extra milk serving

Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 12:11 PM

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female ....2 pts
male....8 pts
nursing mother...12 points

How old are you ?
17-26....4 pts
27-37....3 pts
38-47....2 pts
48-57....1 pts
over 58....0pts

How tall
under 5"1...0 pts
5'1-5'10....1 pts
over 5"10....2 pts

on most days of the week how do spend your day?
sitting down....0 pts
occasionally sitting but a bit active....2 pts
Walking most of the time....3pts
Doing physical hard work much of the day....4 pts

Whaat do you weigh?
enter first 2 digits of weight
(example 160 ...I get 16 pts plus the answer to the other questions.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008, 1:02 PM

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Great article with excellent idea!Thank you for such a valuable article. I really appreciate for this great information.. slotxo

Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 6:11 AM

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