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ideas to get out of this diet rut?
I was on a pretty strict diet recently and I lost 7 pounds, I really got into the diet, it was raw foods and it make me feel really great physically. But then I did what I always do, I ate some fattening food justifying it with my previous weightloss... and now I cant seem to get back into my healthy ways...and the weight is coming back as it always does. Any advice on how to kick the habit and make a diet more long term and steady?
Mon. Oct 24, 10:21pm
Ugh! I use to do the same thing. I would lose some weight and then I would justify eating something crappy by celebrating my loss and I would think well that wasn't so hard and before I knew it I would gain it right back. SABOTAGE!! Why we do it, we all have different reasons. I have been sabotaging myself for 22 years but I finally figured out why I did it and now I no longer do that. After that I made the commitment to myself that I was worth it. I stopped saying I HAD to DIET and started realizing that I needed to change my lifestyle.
My advice, spend some time reflecting on how you are feeling when you do this, what are you thinking? Go back in your past and try to remember when you felt like that before. What events took place? In my case being overweight made me feel safe. Which related to a particular event that took place when I was 13. Write it down so you don't forget.
Good luck.
Monday, October 24, 2005, 11:07 PM
I do it all the time too ... I spend efforts and money to lose weight and soon as I lose some, I go on a 'eating spree' .. and end up putting back on whatever I had lost..
I considered meeting a psychiatrist as I thot this was a pschological disorder but then I came to peertrainer and I have hopes this will work for me..
If it doesnt, then I definitely would consider professional help.. But I am determined to see it work.. And all the support from this group is really wonderful
Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 3:11 AM
Why Are You Killing Yourself?
I posted this as a separate thread. Maybe keeping this within your reach all the time would help!
Why Are You Killing Yourself?
I read this somewhere and thought it should be shared here
Why Are You Killing Yourself?
Could you please consider something very personal and important today?
Have you ever realized that overeating and being inactive, and allowing yourself to have a weight problem is, in essence, slow suicide?
Every bite you take of high fat, or carbohydrate-heavy unhealthy food is doing damage to yourself. Every time you overeat and stuff yourself, despite the momentary pleasure, you are slowly taking years off of your life. Each day you go without being active or exercising is an example of your continued self-mistreatment.
But don’t waste time blaming yourself. There must be psychic pain, or an old trauma, or residual self-hatred or pain that causes you to do these things. The important thing to realize is: You are worth protecting and nourishing.
Think about these things next time. It’s within your power (with God’s help) to make different, healthier choices.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 3:16 AM
Don't "diet." Make healthy changes. Instead of eating regular ice cream, eat low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt. Instead of eating chips, eat Baked Lay's or pretzels or low fat crackers. Instead of eating white bread, eat wheat bread. I could go on forever, but that's how I did it. I still eat almost as much as I used to (and I'm a pretty big eater) but the difference is by making better choices, I cut my calorie/fat intake way down. That's why it's been easy to keep up; I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything.
Kate (kissmekate02 - spotlight clubs group) - lost 84 lbs. total in the last 3 years & 24 with PEERtrainer in the last 5 months. If you get a chance to go over to the Spotlight, check out my log.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 9:14 AM
I agree with Kate - make small changes one at a time that you can commit to. Drastic changes are hard to stay with forever, but if you do one small thing each week, or every other week, you'll eventually just have all these new healthy habits, and your body won't even want to go back to the old ways.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 1:25 PM
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