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How do I know a whole grain food is the real deal?

I've just started eating steel cut oats for breakfast- a great suggestion from a group member of mine (!)

As I look for other whole grain foods I realize there is a wide range of products, where some are really whole grains and others are just colored white flour. How do I know what is what? Is there any guidelines or rules to what gets called "whole grain?"

Mon. Feb 5, 12:07pm

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Yeah, you've got to watch closely. The food marketers have climbed on the wholegrain bandwagon, and are labeling packages to look as if they contain WGs, when they don't. I read somewhere (I think Oprah Mag?) that the packaging either has a logo of the Whole Grain Association (or something like that) and if it doesn't, the list of ingredients should appear like this:

Bran (wholegrain), buglar (wholegrain)... etc.

An easy rule-of-thumb is to look for more than 4g of fiber per serving. That doesn't guarantee that you're eating wholegrains, but it does increase the likelihood dramatically.

Monday, February 5, 2007, 12:46 PM

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Wasa Crackers market themselves as being whole grain. 2 grams of fiber per cracker.

Monday, February 5, 2007, 12:53 PM

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So does this mean Cheerios are not whole grain?

Monday, February 5, 2007, 12:53 PM

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check out this link. It's from the Whole Grain Council and this page gives a pretty thorough overview on how to spot whole grain products.


Monday, February 5, 2007, 2:44 PM

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