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Seriously OT: Homeowner needs new gutters

I was hoping I could just call Lowe's and ask them to send over one of their installation guys to install new gutters for me, but I just talked to Lowe's and they don't do gutter installation unless they are also installing a new roof.

Now I've got to research gutters and local gutter companies.
Of course, I'll be doing lots of google searches, but, if you've got some experience with this...
- How do I make sure I've got a reputable gutter company?
- Do I want a particular kind of gutter? Like a particular brand? or a particular type, like seamless?
- What else do I need to know?

Thanks so much.

Fri. Feb 2, 11:56am

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take some time and drive around your neighborhood, looking at homes and try to find the newest looking gutters. ask the homeowners who did the work. also, look for gutter signs on people's lawns, you know how they post little signs for advertising when they work on your house. it's a long shot, but it may pay off.

Friday, February 2, 2007, 12:01 PM

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Ask your neighbors and be wary of gutter companies and their pitches. When we got gutters on our house, one company wanted over $5000. And one of our neighbors actually used this company! We had a local guy come out (we got the name from one of our other neighbors) and he charged us under $300 (with a lifetime warranty). Also, most people don't need full gutters around the house, they only need it in the areas the water runs off. If you do put them up around the house you have the potential for more maintenance and problems. We got the kind of gutters with the little covers, so you don't have to clean them out.

Friday, February 2, 2007, 12:13 PM

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We are looking at this same thing. Definitely going seamless with leaf guard and getting lots of quotes. Your neighbors and co-workers are really your best resource though. Ask everyone.

Friday, February 2, 2007, 12:33 PM

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You can search the Better Business Bureau website to find BBB members in various categories. There is a category called "Gutters and Downspouts".

Friday, February 2, 2007, 1:57 PM

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Better business bureau is a great way to check them out.

One trick my dad gave me for roof-related stuff is to check with the suppliers- every city has one or two major wholesalers of roofing-related materials. Call them up and ask them if they've ever had any problems with company X. Most of the time, they'll give you a solid yes or no.

Friday, February 2, 2007, 5:37 PM

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You guys are great! These are wonderful suggestions. Thanks so much!

Friday, February 2, 2007, 6:15 PM

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