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Cortisol? Anyone taking it or know anything about it?
I keep seeing these adds everywhere lately for an ab firming/anti-cortisol tea and supplement. I have no interest in purchasing it but was wondering if you gals have heard of it. I'm sure it's some lame sceme to get us to waste our money but can't help be curious what the deal it with that stuff.
Wed. Jan 31, 1:57pm
from my understanding, cortisol is given by injection (or orally) for stress in the joints-similar to pain associated with arthritis but with different causes. it is also secreted by the human body during times of stress (i think it is a "stress hormone"), and too much can lead to further medical problems. i have never heard of it being used as any aid in losing weight or in firming up one's body...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 3:02 PM
I think you're talking about a cortisol blocker. I take relicore and I like it. I don't know if it really has an effect on my weight, but it has a de-stress herb (no, not THAT destress herb). I have a very high stress job, but when I take this, I tend to be a little calmer and more tolerant. My husband takes cortisone regularly for a medical condition. When he increases his intake (infection, too much time in the sun, etc) he immediately gains weight. There is a direct relation between the body producing too much cortisone (or cortisol) and weight gain, BUT your particular gain may not have anything to do with cortisone.
Google ADDISON'S DISEASE for cortisone deficiency and CUSHING'S DISEASE for the overproduction of cortisone/cortisol.
Thursday, February 1, 2007, 11:24 AM
cortisone vs stress
At 40, I now realised that when I'm particularly stressed (not every day stress but more intence stress in specific events), no matter what I do (eat less calories, exercice more, etc.) I gain weight!...could this be caused by an increase in my cortisone level? Is their a test I can have done to know? any product/medication I can use?
Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 10:34 AM
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