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Burn less calories for finishing faster???

I am confused by something. I take a walking path that is aprox 2.5 miles. I've been walking it in 50 minutes, about 3mph. For my weight ,calories burned is 302. Today I jogged part of path, so I finished in just 40 minutes, 10 minutes faster than normal. So I did the same distance, but faster, so I should burn more than 302 calories, right? The problem is, when I calculate 40 minutes of walking at 4mph (instead of 50 minutes at 3mph) it calculates only 285 calories because I exercised 10 minutes less. I shouldn't care about such a small difference, but I'm a bit confused on what number I should believe.

Any suggestions?

Sat. Oct 22, 10:36pm

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actually, except for speed (race) walking... this is trippy... you burn the SAME amount of calories *per distance* by walking, running, or jogging. (I got this from Runner's magazine.) It just helps that if you run or jog it, you're done sooner and have more time to do other things.
Think about it. It's pretty cool, actually.

So... one of the calculations is a little bit off because you might be at 3.45 mph walking, and they won't have a calculation... my suggestion is to pick an easy marker (like 2.5 miles... look at 25 minutes in the 10 minute mile section, for running, and compare it to the 50 minutes in the 20 minute (3mph) walking section. They should match up.)

Good luck

Sunday, October 23, 2005, 2:20 AM

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Get a HRM

Do yourself a favor and go buy a heart rate monitor. Polar has a model that you customize to your height/weight and will tell you calories burned.

Also, as you lose weight, you will burn less calories at the same activity.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 6:04 PM

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