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TMI - belly sore- only kind posters need reply
This morning I woke up with a sore under my belly- It is red and hurts. I showered.... dried it off- and put aquaphor on it with gold bond body triple whatever powder on it...
What else can I do topically? I know the underlying long term solution so we don't need to go there.
Even though I have had a belly like this for years, this is the first time this has happened.
tried googling to no avail....
Tue. Jan 30, 8:18am
try to put some tissue over it, in order to keep skin from laying on it. It will also help with airflow.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 9:07 AM
I guess for the immediate healing I would try something similar to what you're doing--triple antibiotic ointment. (I'm not sure that Aquaphor technically has "healing" abilities. I thought it was more for deep moisturization?). In the long range try to keep the entire area where there is skin on skin contact dry either with frequent drying off, powder, etc. I'm a physical therapist and I remember in school learning about individuals with paralysis (which I realize does not apply to you) and the main reason for skin breakdown, other than their lack of sensation/noticiing discomfort, was due to moisture in the area. Just a thought--good luck!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 9:17 AM
I work as a nurse aide and when we have a patient with skin breakdown, we use a skin protectant ointment. Many times patients will have skin folds under the abdomen and breasts and this ointment really seems to work wonders. You can get it prescription strength however I think you can get a skin protectant OTC at Walmart in the first aid area. In nursing, they teach us that powders just suck up moisture and then continue to collect moisture and that's about it but the ointment protects from further damage while you heal. Hope you heal up soon.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 11:02 AM
thank you all for your comments so far- I started using triple antibiotic...and using some baby washcloths against ths skin with my underwear helping to hold it on..
I will keep the moisture thing in mind about the powder and look for this other cream. If I don't see noticeable improvement by tomorrow morning I will call the dr for something stronger.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 11:47 AM
How about a diaper rash ointment / cream?
They work wonders on any sort of chafing "sores" but I guess I don't think you should apply it to anything that's "open" and bleeding...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 1:10 PM
Diaper rash is an excellent idea but try the Butt Paste brand it is awesome and does a lot more then just dealing with diaper rash. I would also recommend covering it with gauze, I know it will be unpleasant coming off but if you take it off with some water or oil it won't be a bad.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 2:06 PM
Well- layered or slathered myself perodically all day with triple antibiotic ointment and used a tissue each time trying to keep the skin from touching itself. The area is about 3 in wide by about 2 inches "high"- dh thinks it may be fungal- and says it looks just as bad as it did this morning.
though all our fungal creams currently at home were expired... so I tried some anti yeast cream... have been having issues with that as well so not sure if something is just going on with my skin on the outside.
Gonna try and make it to the dr. tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 8:19 PM
Try an anti-fungal / anti-yeast POWDER. If the area is in a dark, damp place (skin folds) then a powder will keep it dry. If the powder is anti-yeast (same as anti-fungal) then it will also help fight whatever is down there. If you start getting fevers or the area spreads, go to the doctor.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 1:22 AM
thank you- I will be calling the dr today to see what he says. The thing is- my belly or what I used to refer to it as a "pooch" does not really hang over that much... it is more like "lips" or how they meet- sagging just a little- so now I am mentally flipping about how if I lose more weight what kind of an issue I am going to have on my hands.
Anyone ever use a piece of lingere that helps keep things snug and up from "flopping over" successfully? I don't really want it or need to use it to hide my size or shape- it is more preventative.
Am thinking it is more fungal as well now... found more info on googling... something to the effect of "pinnus" is more of a correct term.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 8:02 AM
DR prescribed a cream with nizerol- looks different (generic?) on the tube... and said to alternate applications with hydrocortozone cream... for a few days.
So hopefully this will do the trick...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007, 6:01 PM
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