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how do you get yourself up?

The only time I can run is in the morning but every single morning I reset my alarm so I can sleep more instead of work out.

Any tips on how to drag yourself out of bed for a workout?

Thu. Jan 25, 11:31pm

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It helps to have a buddy who will call you!

Otherwise, put the alarm on the other side of the room, so you have to get up to turn it off.

Friday, January 26, 2007, 8:24 AM

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Have all of the stuff needed for your workout ready when you get up, so all you have to do is run out the door.

Friday, January 26, 2007, 8:36 AM

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i tried many tricks to get myself up. what worked really well for me was joining a carpool. i was the driver, in fact. this morning obligation got me up and walking and ready for my day like nothing else i tried!

Friday, January 26, 2007, 10:23 AM

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Sometimes it helps me to put a bedroom light on a timer and set it to come on 15 minutes before my alarm. So the light becomes my gentle wake-up call, and my alarm is the end of my snooze time.

Friday, January 26, 2007, 11:22 AM

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Someone gave a great tip recently about putting your alarm in another room, or at least across the room, so that you have to get up to turn it off. Once you're up its a little easier to get rolling. For me it's a matter of procrastinating to get started. So I start by doing a little yoga stretching, maybe some pushups, just to get the blood flowing. Wear some of your workout clothes to bed if you can, or have them nearby. Give yourself a goal or reward for going out, like maybe stopping for a cup of coffee on the way back from your run....
I think the easiest trick is finding someone to go with you and make you accountable for showing up. I went a whole year of getting up at 5am to pick up my sisnlaw so we could go walk before work. We lost 15lbs each and had good talks. Certainly couldn't have done it solo. Unfortunately, our schedules changed and we stopped going (and gained the 15lbs back.)

Friday, January 26, 2007, 12:55 PM

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I find getting all my stuff ready the night before really helps - it gets me out of the door faster too!

I really like the light timer idea. It's so hard to get up early when it's still dark outside this time of year!

Friday, January 26, 2007, 1:12 PM

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The night before I lay out all my clothes that I'm going to put on first thing and have my bag packed and ready and sitting under my coat and/or purse by the door. Personally I can't get up early enough to go to the gym, but I can get up quite early and be at work - so I go to the gym after work. However it's still the same situation - if I don't have everything ready and waiting, I can't take the extra time it takes to do it in the morning - I'm usually already feeling rushed enough as it is. Also, my gym is on my way home, so even if I don't feel like going I still have to drive past it with my fully packed gym bag - so I tell myself "oh, just work out for 20 minutes and you can leave early" - haven't left early yet. Best wishes!

Friday, January 26, 2007, 2:39 PM

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Fess up and admit your lazy and just get up.

Friday, January 26, 2007, 9:34 PM

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9:34- Your comment is rude and uncalled for.

Friday, January 26, 2007, 10:28 PM

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9.34 had a point, granted it could have been more tactfully expressed.

At some point you just have to take responsibility for your actions. You need to make the decision and follow through. You can have 20 alarm clocks across the room, but it still comes down to you getting yourslef dressed and to the gym.

The amazing beauty of taking on that responsibility is the incredible empowerment it gives you. The world suddenly opens up when you realize that that the quality and direction of your life are in your control. Every day you make hundreds of decisions and for each one that you make, you are charting the course of your life.

Only recently have I really begun to consider the implications of this and suddenly, I can't wait to go work out, I am eager to turn down that chocolate cake. I've tried all these suggestions and sometimes they work well, but when it came down to it, if I didn't feel like getting up in the morning, I could come up with endless excuses for not following through. Ultimately, accepting responsibility for my actions, and the incredible empowerment it affords, is finally helping me to lead an active, healthy and PRESENT lifestyle.

That said, little tricks can't hurt. Personally, the sleeping in gym cloths and upbeat radio station alarmclock across room works well for me.

Saturday, January 27, 2007, 9:06 AM

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I think it's definitely hard to get up in the morning. But if you can manage it for a couple days it will become habit and much easier.

Saturday, January 27, 2007, 8:34 PM

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though it might be a little weird, i actually put my running clothes on before i went to bed for the first few weeks, so that i could just roll out of bed, put on my shoes and get out the door.

after doing it for a while, it got easier to wake up at the time i set for myself.
now i just have my clothes ready nearby so i don't have to think about it in the morning, but the getting up part isn't as hard as it was.

good luck!

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 1:09 AM

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oh i should have read what everyone wrote before i posted my comment above... sorry all! but i vote for sleeping in your clothes.. that way you don't have to change into cold clothes :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007, 1:12 AM

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These are all great suggestions. Here's another. Instead of having the alarm be an awful blaring beep, switch it to music. Certainly not soft, soothing music, but just something you don't mind hearing. Then you won't fly over to turn it off so quickly that you don't realize what you're doing. You can listen for a second as you wake up. That's what I have been doing. Plus, it's a much better way to start the day.

Monday, January 29, 2007, 12:05 AM

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