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salmonella poisoning

Anyone had experience with this? I could look it up in google but wanted to know first hand. TIA.

Thu. Jan 25, 9:19am

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It's like the stomach flu, but can be worse.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:07 AM

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It's like the stomach flu, but can be worse.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:07 AM

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It's like the stomach flu, but can be worse.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:07 AM

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Oh God, yes, unfortunately I have first hand experience with this. How badly you get it depends partly on how many salmonella bacteria you ingested in the first place. A bad case is much, much worse than any "stomach 'flu'."

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:14 AM

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Oh God, yes, unfortunately I have first hand experience with this. How badly you get it depends partly on how many salmonella bacteria you ingested in the first place. A bad case is much, much worse than any "stomach 'flu'."

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:14 AM

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Oh God, yes, unfortunately I have first hand experience with this. How badly you get it depends partly on how many salmonella bacteria you ingested in the first place. A bad case is much, much worse than any "stomach 'flu'."

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:14 AM

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Let yourself throw up. For me - it was like the most painful stomach flu I'd ever had. And I spent plenty of time in the bathroom with stuff coming out the other end - I didn't know I had that much in my intestines. I got very dehydrated because, although I tried to drink more - I just about couldn't keep up and my stomach hurt so badly that the sensation of water entering it was just horrible and it was hard to make myself drink. I cannot emphasize enough how much my stomach just *hurt* and it did for almost 2 weeks afterwards. All I could really eat was cream of wheat or chicken soup without considerable discomfort. I was exhausted and achy, and ran a fever for several days that was noticable, but not severe.

I absolutely hate throwing up worse than anything in the world (words cannot begin to quantify that statement), and I can hold it down no matter what. My doctor said I would have been much better off had I thrown up as soon as I felt like it - it would have at least gotten rid of any organisms remaining in my stomach. By the time I went in the worst was over and they recommended a mild diet and some stomach-soothing liquids (licorice, ginger or mango tea) until my stomach felt better with instructions to come back in 2 weeks if it didn't.

I am really, really paranoid about food safety since that episode.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:49 AM

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Let yourself throw up. For me - it was like the most painful stomach flu I'd ever had. And I spent plenty of time in the bathroom with stuff coming out the other end - I didn't know I had that much in my intestines. I got very dehydrated because, although I tried to drink more - I just about couldn't keep up and my stomach hurt so badly that the sensation of water entering it was just horrible and it was hard to make myself drink. I cannot emphasize enough how much my stomach just *hurt* and it did for almost 2 weeks afterwards. All I could really eat was cream of wheat or chicken soup without considerable discomfort. I was exhausted and achy, and ran a fever for several days that was noticable, but not severe.

I absolutely hate throwing up worse than anything in the world (words cannot begin to quantify that statement), and I can hold it down no matter what. My doctor said I would have been much better off had I thrown up as soon as I felt like it - it would have at least gotten rid of any organisms remaining in my stomach. By the time I went in the worst was over and they recommended a mild diet and some stomach-soothing liquids (licorice, ginger or mango tea) until my stomach felt better with instructions to come back in 2 weeks if it didn't.

I am really, really paranoid about food safety since that episode.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:49 AM

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Let yourself throw up. For me - it was like the most painful stomach flu I'd ever had. And I spent plenty of time in the bathroom with stuff coming out the other end - I didn't know I had that much in my intestines. I got very dehydrated because, although I tried to drink more - I just about couldn't keep up and my stomach hurt so badly that the sensation of water entering it was just horrible and it was hard to make myself drink. I cannot emphasize enough how much my stomach just *hurt* and it did for almost 2 weeks afterwards. All I could really eat was cream of wheat or chicken soup without considerable discomfort. I was exhausted and achy, and ran a fever for several days that was noticable, but not severe.

I absolutely hate throwing up worse than anything in the world (words cannot begin to quantify that statement), and I can hold it down no matter what. My doctor said I would have been much better off had I thrown up as soon as I felt like it - it would have at least gotten rid of any organisms remaining in my stomach. By the time I went in the worst was over and they recommended a mild diet and some stomach-soothing liquids (licorice, ginger or mango tea) until my stomach felt better with instructions to come back in 2 weeks if it didn't.

I am really, really paranoid about food safety since that episode.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 10:49 AM

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It's the worst. Drink lots of fluids and flush out your system.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 2:20 PM

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It's the worst. Drink lots of fluids and flush out your system.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 2:20 PM

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It's the worst. Drink lots of fluids and flush out your system.

Thursday, January 25, 2007, 2:20 PM

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