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Lower back pain

I pulled my lower back muscles right above my butt and now I am in so much pain..Besides a heating pad, any other tips that I can use

Tue. Jan 23, 9:55pm

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I just did that 2 weeks ago!
Make sure you always sit up straight.
Sleep with a back pillow (look it up on WebMD)
Use the stretches they give you there.

Also try, and look up "low back pain"
that is the page my doctor gave me when I went in about it.

Stay hydrated, rest up, be good to your back.
And use walking as your exercise. Don't bike or run for a little while. Definitely don't lift weights for a week or two.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 10:00 PM

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Low Back Pain

Not sure if you went to Doctor. Should have a Xray/Scan done. I suffered from Back Pain for so long they finally did this and found that I had arthritis in my lower back. Now that I know what it is I can treat it better.

Ironically, stress seems to trigger it. (I get stressed I get tense I get pain) So maybe one way is to relive stress.

I swear by Aleve.

Also, I believe Physical Therapy would help at least to learn some proper "exercises" for your lower back. (they actuallywork.)

Moist Heat first. Then treatment and/or excersise. Then ICE COLD ICE pack! For at least 10 minutes preferably longer. (Yes I know it's cold but trust me)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 10:32 PM

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This is the OP here and I truy appreciate your suggestions. I also have been using biofreeze to ice my back..It turns out that I pulled a muscle when lifting weight and the weight in my pooch area does not help either. I also heard someone say that working out your core area prevents these in the future....thanks

Friday, January 26, 2007, 12:49 PM

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Alternating heat and ice like one of the other poster's said, is best. Don't sleep on your stomach. Use a pillow between your knees if you sleep on your side. Walk as much as possible to help lessen any spasming. Avoid crossing your legs at the knee when you're sitting in a chair, and of course use good posture. Stretch your hamstrings by laying on your back and bringing knee to chest. See a good chiropractor if it becomes worse. They can do xrays to make sure you haven't herniated a disc. Doctors will only give you pain meds which will only mask the symptom. Aleve works good.
Get well soon!!

Friday, January 26, 2007, 1:05 PM

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