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The Scare

Ok, so I'm not in the place to be having a child right now and for the last few days I thought I could be pregnant...until today! The most excited I've ever been to start my period! How did she get herself into this predicament, you may be asking. Well I have been on the patch for a few months but went off and I have a REALLY HARD TIME taking the pill everyday. I've tried everything! So I forgot take it for about 5 days (longest time I've ever done this) and my boyfriend and I had sex a few times in those days.

So now that I'm not pregnant, what next? I think I've skipped too many days to start taking the same pill pack. Do I ned to wait until my next period and then start again? Does anyone have experience on other types of birth control that do not need to be taken everyday? HELP!

Tue. Jan 23, 4:47pm

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I agree with the above poster, find what is going to work for you to avoid another scare! I take my pill every morning after brushing my teeth. It's just part of my routine! I have a friend that has an alarm set on her cell phone. It goes off everyday at the same time so she never misses a pill. Maybe that would help?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 5:19 PM

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My 2 suggestions.

The nuvaring... It's a once a month thing so no forgetting. I tried it and liked it.
The Mirena IUD... It's a worry once every 5 years thing. Have it and love it.

Can you tell I can I'm not the best and remembering pills :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 5:36 PM

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Oh 5:36 again


It is the only birth control guaranteed to make you gain weight. I gained 20lbs! on Depo. I completely lost my sex drive, had out of control mood swings... it was awful.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 5:37 PM

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OP here

Thanks for the advice. I've tried everything to remind myself to take the pill. Except the cell phone thing. Good idea. Unless it's on my vanity I forget. People come over and I ut it away and then forget to put it on my vanity again.

Nuvaring is something I'd consider but I don't know anything about it. Not sure about the Mirena IUD. I'm only 25, and have been in a serious relationship for 4.5 years so children might be before 5 years, just not anytime soon.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 6:07 PM

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I have to disagree with the poster that said the shot is not a good option. I have been on it for 2 years now and LOVE it. I haven't gained any weight but I do workout and eat semi healthy. Plus the bonus is I don't have a period. I was on it before I decided I wanted to get pregnant, got off it, got pregnant in two months and then back on it after having my daughter.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 6:17 PM

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Okay it's me 5:36 again

Nuvaring is a low dose of the same drugs in the pill. You insert the ring vaginally and leave it there the entire month.

The IUD if your insurance doesn't pay for it can be expensive. If you insurance pays for it it's literally no worries for 5 years. It can be removed any time during the 5 years though if you want to with instant ability, once it's gone there is not drugs to get out of your system.

Here is an article of Depo. I'm glad the poster above had good results but hers are not the norm. A friend of mine tried for a year to get pregnant then was told she couldn't do any infertility treatments because it can take a full 10-12 months for Depo to be fully out of your system so you can get pregnant again.

If you check out the link you will see weight gain, depression, average of 10 months for fertility to return, and increase in cholesterol. Are all listed as disadvantages of Depo.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 6:28 PM

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There are also copper IUDs if hormones scare you or put you off. They are available in 3 year "models" and typically cost less than Mirena. Yes, it is more expensive upfront, but cheaper than most options over time. Just a suggestion from a happy customer.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 9:02 PM

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I also love my IUD (Mirena), but definitely not appropriate if you want children within a year or so. However, longer than that and I'd still consider it.

I have to say though I have more and more friends trying the Nuva-ring and saying complimentary things about it. When you think about it - what's it hurt to try it for a few months?

I had great and less than great experience with Depo - it was great for the first couple years, but the longer I was on it - the more side-effects I had, until I really, really had to find something else. Wish I'd tried the IUD sooner. Best wishes finding the right fit for you!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 9:42 PM

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I've been on the patch for about 3 1/2 years now, and I love it. I put it in my cell phone to change every Sunday.

But if you're stuck between the two, I would suggest to talk with your physician about it. Let her know what's going on, and go from there.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 12:30 AM

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Def talk to your dr to find out what he/she suggests.

I used to be on the patch & didn't like it. I was always worried about it (I was on it for a year) & wasn't crazy about having it stuck on my skin.

The only other BC I've tried is the pill, which I do find hard to remember to take. I also have a reminder on my cell to go off while I'm getting ready for work. My dr said when I just had my visit a couple weeks ago (& I didn't know this), that you have to take the pill within half an hour of when you took it the previous day. So if you normally take it at 8a M-F, you would need to make sure you take it by 8:30a Saturday for it to be as effective as the literature says (I think it's usually 99.9%). I'm still working on being more consistent, so I'm glad you asked this, OP!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 10:30 AM

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I was on the shot for 9 months (3 shots), and I hated it. At first, it was great. But then I noticed the weight gain, the inability to lose it, and also my skin was horrible (it's always been nearly perfect except for then), and I was generally unhappy. Also, for me, it's reassuring to get my period every month; reconfirmation that the birth control is working!

I'm on Loestrin-24 now; 24 days of pills, 4 days of placebos. I only get my period for about a day and a half. I love it! But, you do have to remember to take it!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 11:28 AM

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Thanks for the advice everyone! I appreciate the time you took to help me out. I think I'm going to call my doctor to ask about the Nuvaring. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 12:41 PM

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Good luck!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 6:08 PM

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