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Fell off the wagon over the holidays! getting back on track?

Over the past year of using peertrainer I lost 20 pounds and reached my goal weight more or less ( I could lose 5 more maybe). Then over the holidays ( my first holiday season since the loss!) I gained back 5 pounds in 1 month. It really made me feel awful...and now I just keep fearing that all the weight will slowly creep back up. I'm trying every day to hush that voice and stay motivated. But I'm feeling badly since I had been steadily losing for months and this was my first gain. Has anyone else been here? How did you push yourself through it? I know I'm still 15 pounds lighter than I was when I started and thats an accomplishment...But I cant stop seeing it as a huge setback. The anxiety about it just makes me wanna eat!lol. Guess I'm just looking for a little support, similar stories or tips. thanks guys:)
p.s.- the depressing january/february months dont make it any easier...uggggh

Fri. Jan 19, 2:20am

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The great thing about getting in shape is that even when you stumble, you can always start fresh! And since you've already done it, you KNOW you can accomplish what you set out to do.
For me, in an attempt to make up for the holidays (indulgent eating and not enough exercise = gained weight), I made this week my "jump-start" week. I set myself some pretty tough goals to stick to for just 7 days. At the end of the week, I'm hoping for a loss. And after the week is over, I'll return to a more routine diet and exercise program to keep up the progress.
So, I guess my advice is - make small goals and stick to those. Take the depressing winter time one week (or even just a few days) at a time!

Friday, January 19, 2007, 7:12 AM

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Start moving. Just start to feel good using and respecting your body again. That'll help with your "cabin fever" too!

Also look into NEAT:

Friday, January 19, 2007, 11:02 AM

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Make 1 change a week!

Week 1: Get some form of exercise you love in every single day
Week 2: Fine tune your exercise to include something you know you should do (If you adore cardio, throw in a day of strength training, etc)

Week 3: Change one thing about what you eat. (I.e. Switch a morning muffin to something healthier))

Do it slowly, so gradually that you don't feel overwhelmed and doomed to failure. the better way you feel as you do this will ecourage you to keep it up and do it more.

Friday, January 19, 2007, 11:56 AM

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above poster: i love your ideas. i should start the same. my current goals are to get to the gym for 3 hours per week. next week i'll add weights for 1 hour per week. what a great idea!

Friday, January 19, 2007, 5:06 PM

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Honey tray and get with the program ! Most times I falll off I gain an additional 10 lbs to my orginal starting weight. Even if you stay the same ahile DON"T GIVE UP!

Saturday, January 20, 2007, 9:54 PM

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sorry for typos it was even you maintain You arent going to gain

Saturday, January 20, 2007, 9:56 PM

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