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Reasonable goals for measuring inches?

There are a million sites that will tell you that it's reasonable and healthy to lose 1-2 lbs in a week, but I'm having a hard time finding the same information with regard to measuring inches.

Is there an overall inch loss in a month that would be considered a reasonable goal? A percentage of the inches total, maybe?

Some of my RL fitness group prefer to measure in inches, but they don't know what a reasonable goal is. They're measuring several points and adding them together, going for total inches. Anyone seen information on this?

Thu. Jan 18, 1:42pm

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it's hard to say-everyone loses inches at different rates. 2 women could lose 15 lbs and one will have lost 3 inches from her waist and 0 from her hips, and another will have lost 0 inches on her waist and 5 from her hips! i think it's best to track a trend over time-combined with the incements on the scale and how well your clothes fit. if you do choose to go with inch goals-i would set very small ones (like say a half inch per month) until you see how your body shape responds. good luck slimming down!!

Thursday, January 18, 2007, 1:53 PM

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