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one-day detox diet

"in one day you can lose 3 - 8 pounds and feel more energized, etc, etc, etc".

I need to read a book for this? I could drink water and accomplish the same thing. Am I being cynical?

Wed. Jan 17, 11:53am

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If you ran on a treadmill for 3 hours straight and didn't drink a thing and then hit the steam room after taking a diuretic, sure, you could lose 8 pounds in a day. you could also end up in the ER for extreme dehydration.

And the next day? all eight of those pounds would be right back.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 11:56 AM

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marketing is marketing, but periodic detox is probably not a bad idea. What is so great about detox in general is that it is great for overall health, not just weightloss. I have done detoxes a few times, and I have started to incorporate some of the principles in my day to day living- which helps me stay healthy and keep weight down. For example, apples and pears help keep the system clean and I eat those regularly. Water and regular deep breating help to clean the system, and I focus on those as daily habits. I am a big believer in detox as you can tell- and if someone wants to make money packaging it-- bully for them!!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 11:57 AM

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you might be able to just drink water and get some weight off, but it's different than detoxing, where you rid your body of toxins by way of flushes, enemas, ingesting fiber pills or some other bowel-triggering pill to promote relieving waste that's gradually built up in your system. in my opinion, unless you are feeling like there is something obviously "toxic" in your body, in which case i would seek medical/nutritional advice, this is not advisable. there are essential bacteria in your body which might become compromised with an unregulated detoxing.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 12:01 PM

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Is there any ACTUAL medical evidence on the benefits of detox diets? or is it all just pseudo-scientific witchcraft?

'Cause, you know, your body is pretty well designed to get rid of garbage. Unless you are seriously poisoning yourself, it seems kinda redundant

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 12:08 PM

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Detox is not only about losing weight. It's about flushing your system and taking away toxins to make your body in balance. Yes, you are right that you can drink water and lose weight, but that's not the goal here.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 4:54 PM

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