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Mon. Jan 1, 12:00am
there is a great subliminal hypnosis tape from potentials unlimited that is fantastic.... you listen it to it when you go to bed and after a week or so your mindset and body image shifts..... as well as, your diet and fitness.... for 15 bucks (on tape) it is the best thing I have come across........... and it is all natural!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007, 7:17 PM
My friend who had a gastric bypass had the same problem... she is slowly "telling herself" that she Isn't fat... although the body has changed, the mental part of large weight loss still exists... She is slowly changing her mindset as she gets more "comfortable" in her own skin.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 12:05 AM
i don't so much have any suggestions but i can commiserate with you. i've lost 70 lbs and now weigh 140. there are a lot of days i still feel FAT!!! especially if i've had a couple of bad days of eating-i feel bloated, soft, and flabby-but a few days of consistent workouts, strength training, cardio, yoga etc and i start to feel "slim". taking pictures of myself and comparing it to my former pics really helps too!!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 12:48 AM
I think you had excellent suggestions, 12:48 am. Not just commiserations. I have not lost the weight yet, so can't be specific about that. BUT, I have had other issues that I have changed about myself, and found myself with that same old mindset and bad talk about myself (giving myself permission to change back is what it really was.)
A very dear friend helped me. She agreed to abruptly and forcefully challenge me when she heard me say these things, and when she saw me indulge in behaviours that would undermine the changes I was trying to accomplish. She would do this no matter who was around, or what was going on. Sometimes she evern was impolite about it.
Because of my embarrassment, and how it made her look, this made me stop and think about what I was going to allow out of my mouth, and made conscious decisions to be more productive in my speech and behaviour. Then it got to be a habit. What you keep verbally telling yourself becomes real. I believe that hypnosis does indeed help with that, But I also know that conscious decisions, when backed up by consistent action, will change your subconscious. This really is in your power, and good for you for recognizing the issue, because you can't change what you will not acknowledge. When your subcanscious brings something to your conscious, You really can change it.
I say she was a dear friend, and a true one, because she was willing to do this, and endure the nasty looks and muttered comments from other people about her rudeness and insensitivity to "that poor woman" (me) She was willing to do this without explanation or excusing herself, to help me to change myself. All my other friends were quiet, felt sorry for me, probably despised me a little, and were willing to let me sink rather than disobey social norms.
She died last year, one of life's heros. I miss her dreadfully.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 5:06 AM
Yes, I think it will take me years to become accustomed to being much smaller. I lived at a size 8-10 for about 10 years, it may take that long to become used to a size 0-2!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 9:29 AM
I think this sort of thing qualifies as "body dysmorphia", aka body dysmorphic syndrome. You might want to google it and see what kind of suggestions come up.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 9:59 AM
This is extremely common for those who lose weight and it does indeed send you back up to higher pounds on the scale. The research is heavy in this area. What emotions do you have behind this?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 11:51 AM
7:17 poster -- I looked on the potentials unlimited website. Which tape is the one you mentioned above? And what kinds of things does it say on the tape? The descriptions are pretty vague, so it's hard to get an idea of what tapes I might be interested in. What tapes do you have and what kinds of things do they say on the tapes? Thanks!
For anyone else considering buying something, I noticed that first class postage is cheaper than UPS Ground. Just thought I'd mention it.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 2:34 PM
I HAD A SIMILAR REACTION TO MY WEIGHT GAIN. I PUT ON 50 LBS IN LESS THAN 5 MONTHS DUE TO SOME MEDICATIONS, AND IT WAS HARD FOR ME TO ADJUST TO THIS NEW, BIG BODY.oops! sorry about the caps! anyway, i would still try to squeeze through areas in the office that i could've before, only to find i was knocking things off tables, getting stuck, that sort of thing. and buying larger clothes was tough, too. i just could not see myself as a size 14 or 16. until i tried ion the size 10 or 12 and it wouldn't button or zip or fit at all. it's been a while and i'm getting it through my head that i am seen as a large woman, but it still surprises me somehow...
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 2:42 PM
The link below is for the Mp3 version .... no shipping costs.
The jist of it losing weight by loving yourself and keeping a positive attitude. The self hypnosis walks you through visuzalizing yourself the way you want to look.... then goes on to give subliminal messages about eating less and enjoying it more. Excercising and loving the way it makes you feel,. and so on.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 2:51 PM
to 2:42, ME TOO! i find that having gained weight since comming to college (uch, i told myself i wasn't going to get the freshman 15, and i have..) and there arn't scales at school which ment that i didn't actually realize i'd gained that much until break when i went home, my seeing myself the way i was before (not skinny, but not as fat as i am now) is part of what i think was preventing me from loosing the weight.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 8:10 PM
get nice photographs taken
I recently had a professional engagement shoot with my fiance. It cost a couple hundred bucks, but a) was the most fun I've had in my life and b) really helped me see how I look now (pretty damn good!)
Thursday, January 18, 2007, 10:30 AM
I think there's a lot of emotional issues attached your weight and how you gained weight in the first place. For some people, weight is used as a means of protection - to make yourself (your body) practically "invisible".
You should think about what issues are attached to your weight gain and when you found yourself putting on the weight - how did you feel? What was going on in your life?
Once you can work through those issues, it'll be easier to visualize and accept yourself as "thin".
Thursday, January 18, 2007, 12:54 PM
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