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Active vacation places?
I want to book a vacation where I feel like it's easy to be active, not just swim in the ocean, but maybe orgainzed hiking, or riding, or maybe learn a new sport. Any ideas?
Tue. Oct 18, 8:44pm
Hawaii baby
If your budget allows, Hawaii is a great place for outdoor activity. It's warm every day. Depending on the island, there can be lots of hiking, swimming, surfing, horseback riding, and general walking around while siteseeing.
Many cities in the continental US can be seen on foot. Get a map and walk from destination to destination. Also check out places to rent rollerblades or a bike.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:02 PM
I spent a week in Costa Rica last year, and it was spectacular - hiking in the rain forest, snorkeling, playing in big surf, walking and walking.
Check out getting scuba certified if you want to learn a new sport. Lots of places let you get your certification while you're on vacation.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:24 PM
Kiawah Island, SC: ocean swimming, pools, bike riding is how everyone gets around and hundreds of rental bikes are available, miles and miles of gorgeous leisure trails through the forest, tennis, golf, and a weekful of organized activities and classes for those who wish to sign up. Even on heavy holidays, you will sometimes feel that you have the island to yourself.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 6:10 AM
Too many ideas! Sounds like you're thinking of something where you can't escape the action. You might consider a "volunteer vacation" with one of the outdoors organizations where they do things like trail rehabilitation or removing exotic flora in some park, forest or wilderness area, usually far out in the boonies. You'd be camping out for some number of days (1 or 2 weeks would be typical) and doing some physical work most days. The details vary tremendously so the thing to do is get lists from the sponsoring organizations. If you ask, they'll probably give you a contact you can chat with to get more of a feel for whether you would fit in.
I've been interested in this myself, and belong to some of the groups that sponsor these things, but haven't done it. Of course, now I don't remember which specific groupshave them, but if you need a hand tracking them down, post back until you get my attention.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 8:14 AM
I just got back from my honeymoon in Spain, and my husband and I both lost weight! We were eating a lot of good food, but we were walking more then enough to compensate for it. There are so many things to see, that you'll end up walking 10+ miles a day if you skip the public transportation.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 9:59 AM
I second the "Europe" suggestion - my friend just came back from a week in Italy. She said that she drank at least half a bottle of wine a day, got gelato every day, and ate pasta for dinner every night, and lost 3lbs in 1 week, just from the walking!
Otherwise, maybe a tour of some cool places in the western US - Yellowstone or the Grand Canyon?
Or you could do "habitat for humanity" and go on one of those trips where you build a house in a week or two - that'd definitely be hard work! And rewarding!
Or just deem your vacation for one particular activity - go on a golf vacation, or a cross-country skiing vacation, or a hiking vacation, and plan your location accordingly, and plan to do that activity all, or at least most, of the days that you're there!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 2:31 PM
Yet Another Europe recommendation
I spent 3 weeks in France and also lost weight and you better believe I did not miss out on the French food or wine. Not that I ate grossly, but I ate rich foods, had wine with each course and ate dessert. There's probably a host of reasons why the French are so thin, but I do think that part of it is their non-reliance on the car as the primary mode of transportation. Too bad that's so hard to do in many cities here in the US.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 4:53 PM
World Traveler Here...
If you want aan ctive vacation and you have a few bucks set aside, go to New Zealand. You'll never regret it. You can hike mountains, volcanos, glaciers, and in rain forests, plus cycling is huge! It was amazing, check into it. There are lots of experienced tour groups to choose from.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 10:17 PM
Speaking of tour groups, there are some great tours for South America, not too far or costly. We went on a 3 week trek, saw tons of amazing things, did things I never thought I would and lost 12 pounds. Its beautiful country down there. Another option, closer to NA, Canada, of course this time of year isn't so good. I lived in Hawaii (Kona side - The Big Island) tons to do there but it is getting into the busy season and could be costly.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 12:47 AM
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