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How many calories should a snack be?

Should it be a 100 calories if you have 2 snacks a day? Does this keep me from gorging at dinner?

Fri. Jan 12, 11:18am

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as long as your snack calories fit into your daily total and you still have enough calories for a nutritional dinner, it shouldn't matter. i eat most of my calories by "snacking" throughout the day and eat a small dinner. i will snack on carrots, celery w/ peanut butter, roasted almonds, cooked peas, indian papad, fruit. my "snacks" are just small components of a meal, but i don't eat them all together.

Friday, January 12, 2007, 11:26 AM

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I usually make my snacks 200 calories. That is enough to keep me satisfied and within my calorie allowance. Also I exercise a lot so it helps :)

Friday, January 12, 2007, 4:50 PM

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It's not how many calories your snacks have, it's WHAT you eat for those snacks. If you eat 100 calories of pure sugar and carbs, yes you may be hungrier at dinner. If you eat 100 calories of protien and complex carbs you feel more full and it will sustain you longer. Honestly, just eat sensibly through the day so that you're not starving by dinner time and end up gorging yourself.

Friday, January 12, 2007, 5:04 PM

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Dieting plans are helpful for you to maintain your health. there is a list of food and other stuff to eat throughout the day to make your body more perfect and healthy. Alongside, we should also get my assignment help review to complete our thesis work quickly. This article about the sack is interesting. These days snacks are used by everyone. This was full of interest to read this about the snacks.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 7:10 AM

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