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Scary, Halloween candy is here to tempt me

I'm sure you all have the same problem. You buy a bag or two of Halloween candy, for the kids of course, but then you start snacking on them before Halloween, on Halloween, and then eat any left over Halloween candy. I'm thinking of skipping handing out the candy this year so that I don't have candy in the house to tempt my willpower. Or maybe I'll go over to my neighbors house to give out candy there. I love to see the little kids dressed up, but I can't trust myself not to snack on chocolate. Maybe if I get candy I won't eat as much of I can control myself.

What is everyone else doing?

Mon. Oct 17, 11:10pm

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I don't have kids, so less temptation. I'm going to try to skip it all together this year. That will be a big triumph for me. Not buy even 1 bag. It will be there next year.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 8:21 AM

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I have a toddler so this year I won't be home to pass it out. What I plan to do is leave the porch light on (since there are a ton of kids in my neighborhood), and have a bowl of candy outside on the bench w/ some pumpkins a sign saying help yourself but leave some for others. I plan on buying the candy that afternoon so it is not sitting around tempting me. I did the same thing last year and any left overs go to work with my husband.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:23 AM

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I would not recommend leaving a bowl out for kids to take what they want. The first person will dump the whole thing into their bag, then everybody will see the light, come up, and not get anything. At least, that's what kids in my neighborhoods always did.

Willpower! I don't have it, so I will buy a couple bags and keep them hidden. Hopefully it will all go to the kids. Leftovers would be dangerous!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:29 AM

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Don't buy the candy untill the afternoon of and buy one that you can't stand! I hate Mounds, so that's what I'll be handing out.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 12:25 PM

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I do it easy: I buy candy I don't like. I love chocolate but hate chewy fruity candy so I buy that stuff. That way I'm not tempted.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 12:43 PM

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We were never allowed to open the bag of candy that's for the trick-or-treaters until the first one came to the door in my house growing up. I honestly never thought of buying the candy and just opening it and eating some! Maybe "assigning" it to the trick-or-treaters would work for some of you?

The basket outside is a good idea - even if the first kids take it all and ruin it for the others, you're pretty much guaranteed that you won't have any leftovers!

You can always pass out something like tootsie pops or blow pops - it's hard to break down and eat a bag of those!! I can hardly get through one! I usually throw half away!

Otherwise, depending on your self-control, you can be one of the really nice houses and give away the full-sized candy - for me, anyway, it's way easier to justify one fun-sized candy bar, and then two, and then three, than one regular-sized bar, and 3 fun-sized bars are definitely bigger than one full-sized bar!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 12:46 PM

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Kids in my neighborhood are quite good about not taking the whole thing, so I would say that scenerio depends on your neighborhood. We always go out - so that opens another whole bad-behavior scenerio, but at least not candy-related :-)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 1:59 PM

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Getting a kind I don't like doesn't work too well, since I like 'em all! Plus it is readily available at my work, people have been bringing in Halloween candy for a couple of weeks now. Sigh!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 10:19 AM

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At work, *pretend* that food on other peoples' desks is *theirs* and not for you. Don't eat it because you wouldn't want people going into your lunch and eating part. Pretend that you'd offend them if you ate their food, that it was a social faux pas. You wouldn't be tempted to eat it if you thought that it wasn't for others, would you? Okay, maybe you would, but you probably wouldn't actually eat it!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005, 2:50 PM

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