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women ONLY... sports bras for large women?

It seems like they are geared toward small chested women. I am a busting out the sides full DD cup wether I weigh 200lbs or 100lbs. The only difference is the inches around. At my thinnest I wore a 28 inch. I am in a 38 now. I don't want those bras that make a uni-boob either. I want a real athletic bra that I can wear to go running in that prevents bouncing,as much as physically possible. Thanks for looking! Oh and price is not too much of a big deal as I expect to have to pay pretty good money for one that fits. I dont have money to blow but I will save to buy quality.

Wed. Jan 10, 6:50pm

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There's a really good past thread on this, linked below (or search "sports bras" above). I'm a big fan of the Enell bras.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 6:58 PM

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Im going there now :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:03 PM

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the newest LLBean: Women catalogue has a DD sports bra w/ moisture wicking and underwire. i like underwire sports bras, help prevent the uniboob

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 9:11 PM

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As a small busted woman I've actually had to look high and low for a non-racerback, adjustable, NO-BOUNCE bra. Sure they build a ton of those crappy pull-over types, but those aren't very supportive (hey small chests bounce too) and they suck to peel back over your head after a sweaty work-out. Most of the adjustable, over-the-shoulder sports bras for small-chested women are little better that regular bras - argh!

I've found 2 brands that I would trust to support my chest no matter what size they are. 1. Perfect Motion and 2. Hind. Both can be found at REI.

Title 9 really got my hopes up, but they didn't have any no-bounce bras for small-chested women and I walked out really disappointed. However they had a great selection for large(er)-breasted women, so they are certainly worth checking out. I shopped high and low til I found one I liked, so best of wishes to you for a short search!


Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 10:43 PM

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