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Muffin Guilt

Gosh, why do I eat what I don't want to eat and then obsses on it? Why is loosing wieght so important when I know poeple will love me either way? Why do I worry so much about what other people think about the way i look? AM I that judgemental and it is a reflection of who I am, do I need therapy?

Wed. Jan 10, 1:43pm

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Well gee, if she/he isn't, they're hardly going to stick around on PT after that response.

Poster above, maybe take a look at yourself: "incredibly rude and annoying" might be something you can work on??

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 1:52 PM

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to the op

may i ask how old you are and/or where you are in your life? sometimes these things can influence how we judge ourselves...and fyi, you are definitely not alone in your behavior!! that's why there is a site like this so we can all share our hard times and celebrate our achievements together.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 1:59 PM

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ignore the troll, OP and nice poster. I feel guilty too when I eat a muffin too. I think that it's natural.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 2:00 PM

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i doubt that someone is playing games like that, and just in case someone is actually seeking advice, i think it's best not to ridicule them.

op, have you always had to struggle with your weight? and have your eating habits changed lately? when i turned thirty years old, my metabolism completely turned itself around and took me by surprise. our bodies are constantly changing, so maybe you are in a new phase?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 2:05 PM

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sure you are. See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 2:25 PM

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Good riddance

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 2:38 PM

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Iam 41 and this is a real post, I am at work and will get back to you. Thanks to the responses and whatever to that crazy person who thinks mypain is a joke!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 2:56 PM

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to the op: as i understand it, some women's hormones are all in a tither for some years before actual menopause. (perimenopause?). this change in hormones, almost a daily change for some, can create real problems with proper digestion and/or absorption of nutrients, thus causing difficulties with weight. maybe you could consult with your doctor to help better determine if there is something like this going on with your body.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 3:13 PM

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we all go though the guilt, and obsession and crazy thinking that sometimes goes along with weight loss!! It's hard to lose unless we're vigilant so becoming obsessed sometimes goes with the territory, however, there is a fine line between focus and unhealthy obsession-only you know where you stand. You may need therapy (a lot of us on here might-emotional eating, binge eating disorder etc) but you also might just need to talk to a nutritionist who can help you with healthy food choices.

Don't feel bad about the muffin-it's ONE muffin! make your next meal healthier! it's okay! And yes, people love you no matter what you look like!! it's so cliche but you need to love yourself first-your opinion of yourself is most important!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 3:14 PM

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Thanks again, You know I went to one of those 12 step food programs. Gosh they are so strict, no flour, no sugar and nothing between a wieghed and measured meal. I lost wieght, but there was no joy in it. I looked good and my modo was, nothing tastes a good as being thin feels. Sometimes I feel so slefish about wanting to always loose wieght and want to be like the normal think girl who can have a piece of chocolate and stop. Just know that thes eare my original thoughts and my conversations will get better and more positive. Like somebody sadi earlier, sometimes it just helps to get it out.
thanks everyone.......

Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 4:38 PM

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I understand how you feel ! Just say the future starts now and don't look back at that muffin.

BUT who was the second poster calling a lame-o ... and who said that this was a joke when it wasn't?

are all 12 step food programs like that? I was thinking I might do that .. but I'm too lazy to measure.

Thursday, January 11, 2007, 12:24 PM

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