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Depressing thought

I know I need to keep my mind on short term goals, but I realized this weekend that it will be July 2006 before I reach my final goal of losing 70 pounds. That's a long time! My motivation is really good right now, but when I think about doing this for almost a year, I wonder when my ambition to lose this weight will peeter out. I'll try to focus on a goal I can attain in 2-3 months and not worry about the timeframe after that.
Any other recommendations?

Mon. Oct 17, 4:36pm

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So here is the thing. I also have a significant amount of weight to lose (90 lbs.), and I realize it will take quite a while to get where I want to be. Having said that, it took quite a while to get an extra 90 lbs. on my body in the first place, so hoping for the weight to drop rapidly is not only silly on my part, but also self-defeating. I couldn't help but comment because I've felt this way often, but I try to remind myself of one very important piece of information: Time moves. It moves even if we aren't ready. You have 2 choices:
1. You can give up now, defeated by the idea of committing to a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
2. You can do the best you can each day toward your goal of losing 70 lbs. in 8 1/2 months. Either way, July 2006 will be here. You can say forget it or be persistent in your efforts and strong in your will. Time moves, my friend. Move with it....

Monday, October 17, 2005, 5:11 PM

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The main thing I'm doing to help with this is giving myself mini-goals on a regular basis all through the process. Specifically, I've picked a bunch of different small things ($5-10 cost) that I want but aren't needs (for me, these are things like earrings, note cards, a "dream pillow"—no food!).

I've made a list of five pound increments between my current and goal weights and assigned each milestone a reward. In the spirit of encouraging long term sucess, I only get the prize if I maintain (or stay under) the milestone weight for a full week. I've added some more expensive prizes for the last two mini-goals: lingerie and a weekend mini-vacation. :)

Each time I reach a goal and get a prize, I'm more motivated to continue.

Monday, October 17, 2005, 5:39 PM

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I completely agree with the second poster! As far away is it my seem, July 2006 will be here soon. So rather than worrying about how long it will take to get here, you should just be worrying about staying on track every month so you make it to 70lbs by that time (not easy! there will be plateaus!).
The point being, if you ARE on track (meeting your minigoals), then by Christmas you may be down a size, just in time to spend any gift vouchers on new clothes. And by Spring time you will be able to order a whole new spring wardrobe. And come May, you will feel so much more comfortable in your swimsuit at the beach...the new bikini you get to don in July will just be the icing on the cake!!!

The mini goals are not just false things - they are actually very rewarding in themselves! The great thing about weight loss is that every single pound that comes off feels WONDERFUL. So you have 70 wonderful events to look forward to.

Monday, October 17, 2005, 9:56 PM

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5 LBs at a time

Set yourself up with a small goal and increase everytime you achieve that. thats the key to success. I myself have a target of losing 40 lbs but I am doing only 5 lbs at a time and I am achieving that.
It feels good when I see my clothes all lose on me. And that makes me want to get them loser ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 1:36 AM

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If you truly want to lose the weight you will stick to your plan! The worst thing you can do is think of your long term goal, set small goals of 10 pounds and once there you should be proud of yourself, reward yourself with something other than food (a new shirt, shoes, purse) what ever. After a few short term goals you reach you will realize you feel better and look better and that should be motivation enough. You might even see that it doesn't take as long as you think. I lost 60 pounds in about 9.5 months and have the last 25 to go. You must remember you didn't put it on overnight and its not going to come off that way either. Its hard work you have to exercise, eating right is only part of it but exercise is really important. You can do it!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 9:30 AM

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Thanks everyone

You all are great. Thanks for reminding me that I did not put on this weight overnight. In fact, it took over 10 years to put on all this extra weight, so if I can take it off in 1/10 the time I put it on, then I'm doing really well I think!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 12:12 PM

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Absolutely! I am glad that your plan is specific and that you have reinforcers in place for each small loss. Hell, when it gets tough, give yourself a reinforcer after 2 pounds, if that is what it takes. What works for you is what is important...keep us all posted!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005, 12:22 PM

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