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Advice for Goal
I graduate college in May and know I will see a lot of family I havent seen for awhile and many many pictures will be taken. I wanted to wait till I got out of college and the TERRIBLE environment I am in to start losing weight but I am going to give it a try. I was wondering what everyone thought a healthy amount of wait to be able to lose was. I am at 167.5 ( the highest ever!) and am 5'6 and a half. I carry my weight well but truly beleive i look disgusting naked, and it prevents me from wanting to be naked in front of my boyfriend even though I know he loives me no matter what. The problem is I do not love myself no matter what. I need some suggestions on:
*calorie range for a day...... i was thinking between 1300 and 1500.
*Is Diet Coke okay to be drinking or is something like crystal ligh better.
*Is it true you shouldnt be eating after 7 or 8, or is it ok if it is healthy snacks
*How many calories should I be couting for a cup of coffee with 2 to 3 splendas and a tbsp or two of half and half or skim milk
*How are Instant Carnation breakfasts? Ok for you, or good, or stay away?
*Lastly, should I be weighing myself weekly or is that discouraging? I cannot deicde....
Anybody with any time to give me some feedback would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!! Thanks!!
Wed. Jan 10, 12:39am
From what you describe - exercise would likely help you get your self-image back the quickest. It's amazing how fast that works and you might not mind being naked in front of the bf so much if you felt more toned.
****calorie range for a day...... i was thinking between 1300 and 1500. ****
That sounds like a reasonable number of calories for maintenance - or - if you work out enough you might lose some weight on that.
****Is Diet Coke okay to be drinking or is something like crystal ligh better. ****
Can't help you with diet coke vs crystal light - I guess I would say does the soda pose a problem for you? Do you feel unhealthy when you drink it? If so cut back and then try to stop altogether, and if not then continue drinking it.
****Is it true you shouldnt be eating after 7 or 8, or is it ok if it is healthy snacks****
That may make sense in some cases, but you probably ought to decide if that's practical for you and if your schedule allows. I daresay mine does not. I regularly have a small evening snack ~8-9:00 and have had no problems losing weight.
****How many calories should I be couting for a cup of coffee with 2 to 3 splendas and a tbsp or two of half and half or skim milk ****
However many are in the Tbs or 2 or half 'n half or skim milk. Consider measuring it a couple times to see how much you really do add.
****How are Instant Carnation breakfasts? Ok for you, or good, or stay away?****
I simply can't go that route - I am starved an hour after I drink one of those. However some folks seem to do fine, so to each his own. Try some and see if it works for you. I need some lean protein and fiber in the morning, and I have to be able to chew it!
****Lastly, should I be weighing myself weekly or is that discouraging? I cannot deicde.... ****
I never used to be a fan of weighing myself, fearing I would freak out at the number on the scale, but you know what? it keeps me at my current weight. You could try it and if it makes you uncomfortable then stop. However you just might find it motivating rather than discouraging - up to you.....
Every question you've asked and all of my answers are really somewhat subjective. In the end you need to figure out what works best for you and that might call for some trial and error. I too had a terrible time with my weight in college, so I'd say hang in there until you get out and then really focus on your health. Best wishes!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 3:00 AM
^^ sorry - I made an assumption on that first point based on my own calorie requirements. Perhaps consider going to the mayo clinic website and filling in their little form for calculating your daily calorie requirements.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 3:02 AM
I agree with the last poster. Try exercising a little bit, even if it's a few sit ups a night or a few minutes of cardio. Sometimes a few exercises really make a difference in how a person feels. Then if you feel like your eating habits aren't what they should be, work on it a meal at a time. For one week try to find healthy options for breakfast, things that you like that you're willing to eat and make it a part of your lifestyle. Then move on to improving your lunch menu, etc. The calorie range is difficult to determine unless you go to a website where they ask you about your activity level. I'm 5'5" and 140, fairly active although I haven't formally exercised for the last several weeks, and I can take in 1300-1500 and definitely maintain, sometimes lose. It varies for each person. And for drinks, determine what is important to you. Do you think you really need (or like) caffeine/sugar or is it just convenient? Do you want to focus more on calcium intake (milk, OJ, Propel water has a calcium fortified version) or just plain hydration? Figure out what is important to you and then make choices that support that decision. For me--I want to make sure I take in 64+ oz of fluid, preferably non-caffeinated, low-cal, some calcium, and something that tastes good enough I'll be able to drink enough to meet my goal. I choose to drink Propel flavored water with calcium (20 cals per 8 oz, 20% calcium). So, I guess try to break it down and make little decisions at a time so you're not so overwhelmed with trying to change everything at once, esp since you're probably quite busy and focused on class!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 9:15 AM
Hi. I'm also 5'-6 1/2" and weighed 168 lbs. when I started PT. I'm now at 155 lbs. and feeling much better about myself! I can only tell you what has worked for me...everyone's bodies respond differently...
*calorie range for a day...... i was thinking between 1300 and 1500.
I eat up to 1850 calories per day during the week and try not to go over 2100 calories on the weekend (this may seem high, but I also do cardio and weight training and have a physical job)
*Is Diet Coke okay to be drinking or is something like crystal ligh better.
I have learned that artificial sweetener is so so bad for you and can even make you GAIN weight. I totally believe it. If I want it, I have the real thing and just include it in my daily calories. Otherwise, I drink flavored seltzer (carbonated, but no calories), water, or coffee.
*Is it true you shouldnt be eating after 7 or 8, or is it ok if it is healthy snacks
I believe it's the total calories you consume for the day that really matter. I live in the city, and I'm sometime just getting home to eat dinner at 9pm. I wouldn't eat anything too heavy because it will give you weird dreams. haha.
*How many calories should I be couting for a cup of coffee with 2 to 3 splendas and a tbsp or two of half and half or skim milk
I drink a coffee with skim milk and 2 raw sugars every morning. I count it anywhere from 80-110 calories.
*How are Instant Carnation breakfasts? Ok for you, or good, or stay away?
They are very yummy, but don't last in your belly long. I usually have a protein bar in the morning (has lots of vitamins, protein, carbs..and I can walk out the door with them).
*Lastly, should I be weighing myself weekly or is that discouraging?
I think weighing weekly is a great idea. One step better is taking your measurements (around your chest, belly, hips).
Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 1:23 PM
i really strongly agree with the suggestion of measuring instead of weighing yourself every day. weight matters, but you will really be able to "see" the results by measuring your different areas.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 1:34 PM
There have been some threads on 'sneaking' workouts in, but I thought I'd add:
(I'm in grad school and I also lost some- ~10 pounds before graduation. I've lost 30+ more since)
walk the stairs in your building (if you're feeling adventurous, run them at weird hours= less strange looks) I lived in a 4 flight building. I'd run up and down stairs 4- 5 times whenever I got bored.
take the stairs to class/meetings (obvious one)
add some crunches/leg lifts/pushups/anything you like to your routine (done in room, easy time constraint. also starts thinking when you get stumped pulling an all-nighter)
Go for a moonlight walk with a friend/significant other. It's a great way to add in a workout, have some safety in numbers (i'm in a big city), and/or get a good chat in.
I can honestly say, I didn't consistently use all of these, but with just a few EASY diet changes, I did manage to keep off a little weight before graduation. Granted I started with A LOT to lose. Even after getting more serious about my weight loss (and 42 pounds) I'm only about halfway there... but at least its some concrete workout ideas that don't require going to the gym/planning them in advance. Those are terrific! (but not always possible)...
I also second the pick one dietary change and keep it, then add another poster! That method makes it so much easier... I'd avoid diet coke, or add more water to counter the dehydration from caffeine.
Good luck! -k3
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 7:35 PM
To the second poster -- 1300 is a really low calorie allotment to "maintain" ones weight unless you have a really slow metabolism. 1300 should allow for ample weight loss depending on age, activity level, etc.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007, 10:57 PM
You asked a lot of questions but the one I can comment on is you should try weighing yourself weekly or use some kind of mechanism for accountability. If you do this, you'll start to understand what's working for you. Are you in a group or team?
Thursday, January 11, 2007, 9:26 AM
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