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Do you have to hit rock bottom? Am I an Overeater?

Hey Everyone,

I dont know what happened or why this happens. I wish I could see my indicators and stop myself before I end up at my starting weight again and without any motivation.

But, some part of me thinks that like alcoholism or other addictions, I have to hit rock bottom with food and my physical self in order to get back in the saddle. Scary, but true for me. I had ample time on Sunday to go to the gym or workout at home and never did. I started on Peer Trainer with the goal of losing 40 lbs in September and now after losing 6lbs, I am back to my starting weight and off my workout plan after being sick for 1.5 weeks in early October.

Some might say I am being too hard on myself but I dont know where the gap is between being too hard and hard enough to inspre action.

Am I an Overeater? Or, am I just in a slump? Anyone else out there?

Mon. Oct 17, 6:51am

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Probably too hard on yourself in the sense that you're looking for some horrible character flaw. Overeating is sort of natural when you have the opportunity. Controlling it is a skill you try to develop and have to practice. I like to stay away from phrases like off the diet/workout plan and tell myself you can NEVER be off the plan, so just get back with it.

If you were cutting your eating way back and losing fairly rapidly, then maybe you will do better if you try not to cut back as much and go at a slower pace. Again, if you're thinking in terms of getting the diet over with, that can make you rush through things... convince yourself that there isn't any "over" and your thinking will maybe adjust more to a slower approach.

_of course_ these things are always easier said than done. but try again to make today a day of progress. one day at a time...

Monday, October 17, 2005, 7:55 AM

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Just a question - were you trying to lose all 40 pounds in one month? That is probably too's much healthier to aim for 2 or 3 pounds a week, which is only 8-12 pounds per month.

Make small changes that you can commit to for life - big changes are too hard to stick with for the long term. And think of this as a lifestyle change, not a diet.

Finally, use your peertrainer logs to find your indicators. If you think you're an emotional eater, maybe start recording how you're feeling each time you eat along with what you ate. If you don't want everyone in your groups seeing that, make up a code for yourself, or a separate user name in your own private group, or write it out in a notebook. Or maybe you snack whenever you're bored - start making note of what you were doing while eating.

Monday, October 17, 2005, 9:11 AM

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Well, I never diet.

I used to obsessively as a teen, becasue that's how my mother is. I haven't done that in many years. I was working on this approach:
-eating better, more veggies, more mindful
-going to the gym 3x a week
-found a gym buddy (but they flaked, the other was sick and now MIA)
-drinking 2 liters of water a day

I lost the 6lbs in one month. I was trying to shed the 40 lbs by January and keep them off. That is one of my goals- long term management.
But, lately I have been way over eating and zero exercise. I do in the Northeast and it has been pooring rain but that isnt really an excuse as I have workout DVD's and a gym membership.

I might be looking for a character flaw as an earlier posting suggested. But, I know I am an emotional eater. I like the idea of writing down what I ate and how I felt.

Thank you.

Monday, October 17, 2005, 1:14 PM

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Sunday, May 31, 2020, 3:03 AM

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