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"Losing" a long comment or a log post

We've had some send emails to customer care about problems commenting. They write an entire comment and then it's "lost". Or, a simliar problem, updating your log just to find out that it hasn't been saved. I've been tasked to tell you how to solve the problem.

If you leave PEERtrainer log or window open for a while, you think that you are still logged in, but you're not. The page will still look like you are, it will say "welcome elle (or whatever your username is), but the system, for security reasons, has logged you out. This is for your own security. If you are checking PEERtrainer from a remote place and you forget to log out, you don't want someone else filling out your info! This is an extremely common function of most internet sites. If you are on your own private computer, and you don't care about this "logout" security, simply solve the problem by checking the "remember me" box next to the login. If you don't wish to do this, before you go to update your log, or add a comment or anything really throughout the site, make sure that you log back in - you can do this by opening a new window, pressing logout and logging back in, etc. Please let me know if you need more of an explanation, since I am now tasked with this.

On a side note, if you think you have changed your MY INFO (profile) or GOAL and it hasn't been saved, a common reason is because you're on a day in the past, yesterday, or last week. Make sure you click "return to today's entry" or use the arrows to get to "today.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend.

Sun. Jan 7, 11:47am

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Above post was written by Elle.

- Elle

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 11:47 AM

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On a different topic:
Why on earth do you have a public blog that hasn't been updated in at least 1 month, maybe longer? If you don't intend to update it, have it removed!

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 1:39 PM

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