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Who's you're hero and why?

Tell us who your everyday hero is and why ..

Fri. Jan 5, 12:49pm

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how about starting? it seems weird to just follow your order. who is the "we" you referred to? the pt community?

Friday, January 5, 2007, 12:52 PM

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Well, I'll share mine -- there's a lady at my gym who is there EVERY single morning. I would guess she's in her late 80s. She uses a wheelchair to get around the gym, but she does fairly hardcore work on a bunch of the weight machines, and then she works out in the pool as well. Knowing that she is there working hard helps motivate me to at least show up!

Friday, January 5, 2007, 1:20 PM

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jeez 12:52, are you the same one that's commenting in the other thread? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed? OUCH.

Friday, January 5, 2007, 2:00 PM

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My older brother. He is extremely intelligent, and the most non judgmental person I've ever met. He has a high paying job, yet he chooses to live in a one bedroom apartment, bike or take the bus to work, work out at the Y, and live very simply. Honestly, he is probably one of the nicest, nonassuming persons I've ever known.
Beth (babooshka)

Friday, January 5, 2007, 2:20 PM

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i swim on a master's swim team. there is a man on another team in our conference who is 92 and competes in every single meet. he swims all of the long, grueling races that no one wants to do. he is very slow, but he does it all! i'll be happy to still be using a toilet correctly when i'm 92!

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 12:58 PM

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the last olympic distance triathlon i went to (to watch my brother) had 4000 participants. every one of them is a hero of mine. but 4 of them were over 80. one of them had just done a marathon the week before. some of them were cancer survivors. one was paralyzed from the waist down. others had artificial limbs. they all made me feel very lazy.

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 1:00 PM

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Mine is less personal. Nelson Mandela. He has many fine characteristics, but first and foremost, I admire his ability to forgive, and encourage others to forgive. When I am hanging on to a grudge, I wish I'd keep him in mind more. Forgiving someone for being rude is surely much easier than forgiving someone for torturing/demeaning you?

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 2:24 PM

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My Inspirition

Lance Armstrong, not only for what he has accomplished on the bike, but for how he took a life threating disease beat it, and is now helping millions of others do the same. He is a 100% class act.

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 7:34 PM

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I am a runner and Gilbert Tuhabonye is my hero.

Gilbert was a national champion in Burundi while still in High School.
On October 21st, 1993, members of the Hutu tribe rounded up the members of the Tsutsi tribe (one of whom was Gilbert) at the school Gilbert was attending and beat them and burned them alive in a hut. Gilbert was the only survivor, running, while on fire, to freedom.

He is an awesome runner and makes it look so easy and fun. Last year while I was running a 5K, he passed me running a 10K! He can run 6 miles in less than 30 minutes!

Sunday, January 7, 2007, 8:38 PM

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A few answers about people who inspire me

My dad, who faced cancer with such strength. If the soul does go on, he and Carl Sagan are hopefully having a rollicking good conversation about dark matter.

My mother, who, in her 70s, is young at heart and has kept her body in great shape. She isn't overly thin or anything, but just... you don't look at her and think '70s'. She never complains about knees, back, etc - and it's easy for me to forget that she is getting older. I mean, my dad was like this, and then, pow... cancer, and he went fast, so I try to remember that mom is at that age where 'pow!-illness!' can happen and change things so fast.

My daughters - the eldest who is kind, caring and thoughtful. Who wants to rescue animals, especially sea-life that's endangered (8 and so endearingly idealistic). She's never mean to peers, ever. She includes others and tries so hard to make people feel good. She's a delight. And then, there's my 5yo daughter who is an irrepressible little minx. She adores her mamma still and frequently comes over in that cute little voice of her announcing that it's cuddle time. She's funny, smart and sweet like her sis, with a bit of spice in there. She loves her big sister and she also adores animals.

My husband: A true equal partner. He puts up with my moods - which, as a 40 something year old working mother - they can be pretty frequent and annoying

My dog... need I say more? She's the kindest dog ever.

My inlaws who teach me what inlaws should be.

My good kind friends who look out for each other. Whe one of our group had cancer, another of our group rallied together the gang and scheduled out all their child-care/dinner needs and worked it out so we took care of the family as a group - delivering cooked food, taking their child to parties, games, playdates, etc.

Actor Matt Ashford for showing such grace under the pressure of repeatedly being axed by days of our lives. He's super duper talented (watch his early jack deveraux work on days of our lives over at youtube or here:

He's a fabulous actor- trained oh so well, and even though he's been repeatedly not treated so well by the show on and off since about 1991 when a new head writer came in and yanked away alot of actor-creative-license, he still always speaks well of the show and it's producers. Plus, his daughter has Retinoblastoma - a horrible eye cancer. He and his family weathered that so beautifully. I met him recently and was so impressed with his down-to-earth nature, despite being drop-dead gorgeous and oh, so talented. He was also very gracious to his fans. Rock on, Matt, and I can't wait for his movie the Unlikelys to come out. His play-to-dvd deceit was excellent.

Monday, January 15, 2007, 9:37 AM

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I have more than one, but the first who comes to mind is Barbara Ehrenreich, who wrote Nickled and Dimed. Btw, do these people have to be alive now?

Monday, January 15, 2007, 2:03 PM

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My great Aunt Juanita and my sister Robyn, for being 2 of the strongest women & best role models of my younger life.

Monday, January 15, 2007, 3:31 PM

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does anyone remember the olympic swimmer a few years back who was the first olympian from his country ever? he was from africa and trained in a hotel pool. his stroke form was horrible and the other athletes were all out of the water before he was halfway done, but he swam his heart out and got a standing ovation. that takes some serious guts.

Monday, January 15, 2007, 9:00 PM

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