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can anyone answer this?

the past few days i've been eating a lot and i really dont know why. i know this isnt probably the most effective way to lose weight and i think it actually stopped working but i usually eat one small meal a day at night but lately ive been eating 2 or 3 times a day, i'm unsure of why i all the sudden cant control my food cravings but any answer/theory would help! the last thing i know it talkes time to change bad habbits but is this progress or not: usually when i eat at long john silvers i eat 4 pieces of chicken, today i ate 2 but i also ate quite a few snacks following that, am i hooked mentally on 4 pieces of chicken and thats why i snacked after or is that more of an emotional problem behind todays snacking? i'm so confused! they need to invent a button that removes all excess body fat!

Sat. Oct 15, 4:05am

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your metabolism is kicking in, and freaking your body out...
if you eat 4-5 small meals ( think 200-300 calories each), spaces about every 3 hours, you will notice you lose weight faster, since you are constantly fueling up your metabolism, so it stays high. also, you probably will feel less hungry (just so long as you remember to drink all your 8 glasses of water)

good luck!

Saturday, October 15, 2005, 7:52 AM

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I would just go with it as well. Your body is telling you it needs the extra calories right now. By restricting this, your body is just going to want even more.

Saturday, October 15, 2005, 9:45 AM

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wait - you mean you usually ONLY ate one small meal a day? nothing else?

Saturday, October 15, 2005, 6:05 PM

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Thats what I say, you only eat 1 small meal a day? How long have you been doing this? You have put your body into starvation mode, so basicly your metabolism has shut down which means your are burning muscle for feul so your body reserves the fat stores. This is not good. Its a funny concept but you need to eat to lose weight. At least 3 meals with a few little snacks or as the above poster says, 4-5 small meals.

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 3:06 AM

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I dunno... I seem to eat most of my calories in a week thurs night - Saturday... Thursdays I am crippled with hunger. Sunday coffee is all I want. I think it is because all my workouts are Sun-wed so hunger kicks in on Thurs.

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 3:15 AM

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ive been eating only once a day for a few months and ive lost over 20lbs and i was proud of myself but then i just stopped losing weight. now over the weekend i binged out but in snacks and small meals spread out and if i can continue to eat healthier snacks and maybe work a little more excercise into my lifestyle i'll continue to lose weight. thank you everyone for commenting.

Sunday, October 16, 2005, 8:49 PM

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To the last poster

Hey lady, you are doing your body a big dis-service by eating only once a day .. you will achieve initial weight loss but your metabolism will slowly disappear..
Its strange but true,. you need to eat to lose weight.. eat right that is
You need to have at least 5 small meals a day with proper protein-carbs balance..

Monday, October 24, 2005, 1:08 AM

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I read here before to think of your metabolism like a fire. You have to continue to add fuel to the fire to keep it burning. I agree with a previous poster that you are doing your body a huge disservice. If you want to change bad eating habits (4 pieces of Long John Silver's chicken) then you need to start now. There is so much information on this website. If you want to keep the weight off long term, you will need to do a lot of research to learn how to do it the right and healthy way. Your body will thank you in the future. And I mean 20+ years down the road.

Monday, October 24, 2005, 12:43 PM

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Congratulation on losing the 20 pounds wiht 1 meral a day. But your body is really a smart machine, you probably stopped losing because your body went "hey! I know what you are trying to do" you need to change it up to get your body to kick in the weight loss.

I agree witht he other posters, try switching to a couple of smaller meals throughout the day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 9:34 AM

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thank you everyone i have now switched to eating very small meals a day b/c i dont have a metabolism and i dont burn many calories so i need very few calories but ive spread them out a lot now and even though i havent weighed in, i dont have a home scale but will get one soon i think i started losing weight again thank you all again

Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 10:01 PM

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