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i need a lot of help!
i'm a constant snacker, emotional eater, i dont get enough excercise and i eat a lot of fast food! {i think i'm addicted} i want to excercise but i get very bored with things easily, such as walking,biking,the same old stuff. any suggestions on workout tapes that arent too boring or difficult? i also would appreciate any suggestions on how to prevent eating out of boredom, hobbies that are time consuming, or tips on how to prevent over eating through snacking! someone please help me!
Sat. Oct 15, 3:58am
make a list of things to do.
stay out of the house!
and buy flavor ice lite popsicles (2.5 calories each)
the way i do it:
1. buddy up, get a workout buddy, a lifting buddy, a walk in the park buddy: you can always stand yourself up and not care, but when you're standing someone else up... i bet you'll show
2. grab a popsicle and/or bottle of water and head outside for a walk/to read at the library/for a scenic stroll/to call mom/brother/sister/high school friend/college friend on your cell phone, and walk (slowly) with the phone.
3. ditch the workout tapes, you;ll never get up the motivation to do it-- join a gym and buddy up, or invite someone over to do the tape wth you
good luck!
Saturday, October 15, 2005, 7:56 AM
Hiiking is a good activity for days where you have a block of time. There are hiking clubs with scheduled events, or you can arrange your own. There are many guidebooks to give you ideas too. The options would be different in different places, but if you haven't looked into this you might be surprised how many there are that you just haven't heard about. It keeps you moving, has some variety, usually doesn't give you a lot of chances to pick up unplanned snacks on the way.
Along the sam elines there is bicycling. There are some touring clubs (different from racing clubs) that will set up events and grade them by difficulty so you can choose a casual ride or a more difficult one according to your ability.
Saturday, October 15, 2005, 11:25 AM
thank you everyone for your comments this helped me a lot to get organized. thank you again.
Sunday, October 16, 2005, 8:54 PM
BTW, the "Wanted: Craving Control" group has pretty much dissipated but if you want to join we can try to work on the stop snacking thing which is my main goal now.
Monday, October 17, 2005, 8:49 AM
Try making a conscious effort to 1) go to the grocery store when you're not hungry (less impulse shopping!) and 2) stock your fridge/freezer with foods that are very easy to prepare and healthy; then you won't have excuses to go for fast food just b/c it's easy and convenient.
If it's a lunch time fast food at work, stock up on Lean Cuisines when they're on sale, and bring one, along with, say, an apple and a cup of low carb yogurt, to work. It takes max. 3 seconds to pack in the morning, and it's a totally filling lunch.
In terms of snack food, don't keep junk in your house. If you have a family, and they require junk, label the boxes of junk food with the person's name that it was bought for - and tell yourself that you're only allowed to eat "your" food, otherwise it's stealing! If only healthy snacks are around, then you won't emotionally eat junk. If you really want something, in particular, that's unhealthy, first try a healthy snack of veggies, etc., or a glass of water. If you still want it 15 minutes later, badly enough to get in the car and go get it, then let yourself, but only buy one serving of whatever it is. You probably won't want it so badly to actually leave the house to get it!
As for exercise, do it in baby steps. Work on the 4th floor? Take the stairs every day, not the elevator. Park at the back of the parking lot and walk in (assuming you're not leaving after dark, making yourself unsafe, of course!) Walk to the store instead of driving, if that's possible. While you're watching TV, do some crunches or push ups or jumping jacks during the commercials - it'll make you less likely to walk to the fridge during that time too!
Good luck!
Monday, October 17, 2005, 9:44 AM
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