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Active teams / groups ????

Hello everyone... I just joined yesterday and outside of this team & weekly ewigh in are there any other active Groups or teams? It seems the ones I joined have no activity at all in the community section and little to none in the comment section.. I am really looking forward to using this site to help lose weight and hold me accountable for my actions.


Thu. Jan 4, 11:06am

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This section is not a team or group. It's only an open forum. Are you an actual member of a group or team? Did you click JOIN underneath a group or a team?

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 11:07 AM

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Actually, if you're on a team, there is a "community" tab where you have threads and comments just like this Lounge community, but just for team members.

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 11:32 AM

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I to am wanting a group that will help keep me accountable. Was in one group and I was gone for a few days. When I returned I was the only one in the group. How does this happen.


Thursday, January 4, 2007, 2:56 PM

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Have to log

I think there is monitoring of logging and if one doesn't log; one is out! It's better, IMO, to be a member of a team rather than a small group. Some of the team members disappear from time to time but it's not as noticeable as a in small group. Good luck!

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 3:06 PM

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the comment of 1/4/07 at 256 pm is exactly what happened to me, too!! i felt like a complete failure!! although i understand that other members of the site have more drive (and time to log) than me, i felt really abandoned. i suggest to a lot of new comers that they check out teams instead of groups until they have gotten into a real habit of logging everything every day and are ready to make comments to other group members. i would hate for another person who is trying to get their health & weight in check to feel the way i felt when i went back after a long weekend to find i was alone in both groups i had joined. (i do not have a home computer and have limited time at work to use the web for personal reasons. i also do not have a car and there is no public transportation available in my rural area to take me to the library. for me to log over weekends or in the evenings is very difficult. i would rather spend that time and energy working out.)

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 3:28 PM

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The team 'Weekly Weigh in Daily Accountability' is incredibly active with lots of regular challenges - feel free to come in and join.

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 4:11 PM

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Also, if you know you'll be away for a while, use the 'on vacation" feature so that you don't get logged off-- or, if you are in a small group (4 people), if the group sets itself as "private" then you shouldn't get booted... ;-) That's what my very 1st PT group did-- now a days, we don't log nearly as much, but it keeps us together. (we actually went outside and formed a yahoo group to stay in touch outside of PT as well!)

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 4:38 PM

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