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any cigarette smokers out there?

i used to be so much thinner when i smoked!! i often think about starting up again to help me lose weight...thoughts? maybe just a couple a day...

Wed. Jan 3, 11:09am

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OP, i can realate, i truly can. i only quit smoking b/c i was pregnant and did not want to hurt my baby... now i don't want to hurt my kid's lungs and i don't want to be sneaking butts... but on a cold winter's morning when my lungs ache, i am actually greatful that i no longer smoke. i think about picking up a nicorette habit tho, it would help take the edge off... don't do it, you've come so far!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 11:32 AM

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so then why do you still smoke if it's not worth it?

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 1:01 PM

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Anyone who has ever been addicted to cigarettes knows the answer to that question. It makes you weak and dependant. It's kind of like being addicted to food. In the moment, you can't see the harm, only the good. And if you can see the harm, you don't care.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 2:32 PM

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Never have smoked

I am allergic, thank God, ( I mean that, I am not being casual with it) I am so very glad I never became addicted to it, because I do not know how I would be able to kick it, and it does just horrible things to your body.

Please do not start it up again, you can do it without it. I know you can.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 5:09 PM

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I just quit on the 1st. New Years resolution. I am barely making it. If I am successful this time, I would never ever start again because this agony is not worth it! Don't do it, it is just not worth it. I wish I had never started.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 7:07 PM

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I smoke and really don't know how to go about not I wish I could. I think I would take being overweight anyday over smoking I mean really they are both harmful to your health. Just be greatful you were strong enough to stop, Keep working at weightloss you can do it.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 8:16 PM

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op here

thanks for the encouragement, pt members!! it's been many years since i quit, but i usually say i've "stopped", rather than quit. i HOPE i quit, but i can never be sure. to say i've quit "for now" just doesn't sound right, so that's why i say "stopped" six years ago. i will stick to my guns and deal with adding to or changing my routine. i've heard so many times that one can work off extra weight over time, but even the fittest person cannot "work off" lung cancer....i've got to keep telling myself that. thanks again for the support!!!

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 9:58 AM

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I quit about a year ago and gained 30lbs.

Quitting really screwed up my metabolism. Smoking does burn calories and it kept me from snacking.

I battle weight now like I have never had to before.

Friday, January 5, 2007, 12:18 AM

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Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain

I'll admit I've never smoked, but here's a link I found trying to understand what happens to people when the quit (including weight gain). Maybe it will be have some helpful tips for others


Friday, January 5, 2007, 2:07 AM

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op here. i read recently that one reason people gain weight after stopping smoking is because their lungs are burning less energy. it takes a lot more energy for a smoker's lungs to work effeciently than for a non-smoker. so when you quit and your lungs get back to breathing normally, they are using less calories to do so.

Friday, January 5, 2007, 8:59 AM

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i thought the article was interesting, but the sentence with which it ended is weird.

"Weight can be lost, lungs cannot."

you'd think they could have worded it correctly to get the point across more clearly!! i mean, for pete's sake, lungs can certainly be lost to smoking!!!

Friday, January 5, 2007, 9:02 AM

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book reccomendation

On another forum I frequent, I heard that this book was pretty good... I myself don't smoke... but just sharing to help others... I hear that you can keep smoking while you read it and after awhile the feeling /need or urge to smoke just goes away.
worth the cost of 2 packs.... or find it in the library...


Sunday, January 7, 2007, 7:52 PM

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Quest Cigarettes

I started smoking when i was 14 when i started working as a diner waitress at a truck stop diner. I thought i was never addicted until i was 18 and smoking a pack a week. My friend suggested to me that i try Quest cigarettes. Its a program that lets you smoke a .06 nicotine cigarette, thats level 1. Level 2 is .03 and then the last step they dont have any nicotine. I know what your thikning, why not just smoke two of them right? You cant, you physically get sick. They worked so well for me! Even the smell of smoke digusts me.

Now i am 20 and smoke free and i cant say how happy am i that i kicked the habit young instead of when i was older.

Good luck!

Monday, January 8, 2007, 5:29 PM

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If you're ever considering picking up the habit again, make your list---
here's mine:

I watched my Mom suffer from Emphysema and then die of lung cancer
I turned 40 and realized I'd been smoking for more than half my life
Cigs were costing me a fortune!
It's no longer a social habit when you're in the minority and have to stand outside in the freezing cold to smoke while your family and friends are inside having a great time.
It won't matter how thin you are in a casket
I hate monkeys on my back
Non-smokers who don't understand can be very cruel
Dry cleaning bills after a night in a smoky bar
Tired of a stinky car
I don't want my children/grandchildren to model my smoking behavior
I may not be able to predict how I'm going to die but I can predict how I want to live!

I've been smoke free for just over two years and there's just no going back...
Good Luck and remember that carrying a few extra pounds is STILL better than the damage that smoking does.

Friday, March 16, 2007, 4:48 PM

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I quit a year ago and ended up losing 20 pounds. It wasn't easy and I worked my ass off but it can be done. I was finally able to exercise without becoming winded!!
Proof that quitting can be done WITHOUT gaining weight, a common excuse for smokers not to quit. I know, I used it many times!

Friday, March 16, 2007, 5:44 PM

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If you start smoking to loose weight your waisting your time because smoking is just as bad as being overweight, they both can possibly kill you. I say you stay NOT smoking and continue your journey to being healthy.

Saturday, March 17, 2007, 12:34 AM

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I am not a smoker and never have been. I don't want to waste too much time on this useless desire that could lead to my destruction. It's not worth it.
For smokers who want to quit, I know it is very hard.....but believe me there is hope. Cigarette is a disease. Don't deal too much time with it.



Thursday, April 29, 2010, 3:29 AM

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