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Gained 5lbs

I weighed in last Monday then again today and OMG I could not believe it I was up 5 lbs I know I did eat a bit during the week but 5lbs worth. I wounder if I jump back on the wagon and start working out and eating right if I could bring the weight off this week........UGH So depressing....however the chocolate peanut butter balls were so good!!!

Mon. Jan 1, 7:17pm

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Yeah, I gained 4 lbs between Thanksgiving and now. Time to nip that in the bud. I never used to be a fan of regularly weighing myself, but it sure helps to be able to crack down before you gain 10 and have to get really strict. I have to say though between relatives, cookie parties and Xmas gifts (that were edible) I did more damage that I thought I could without gaining as much as I feared. I still kept up semi-regular wokouts in between travel and vacations so I'm sure that helped a bit.

Monday, January 1, 2007, 8:22 PM

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I know it's hard but try not to freak out about it. You might have gained less weight/fat than you think. If you've eaten a lot of carbs, you'll tend to retain a lot of water for a couple of days.

Drink lots of water and exercise over the next couple of days and you'll see positive changes quickly. Just don't get upset and give up on your program because of a few peanut butter balls.

Monday, January 1, 2007, 8:43 PM

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