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Question- Not vulgar: but if sensitive, please don't read

I am about 80 pounds overweight. The worst part is the sweat and disgusting moisture in my private area.

I have tried so many things, such as powder/ deodorant. It's winter and I still feel the sweat.

Does anyone have any recommendations?

Also, will this go away if I lose significant weight?

Thanks in advance!

Mon. Jan 1, 10:43am

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If you start exercising regulary, that will help. Also if you change your diet so that you avoid sugar, fats, diary and most of the meats that will work wonders to your body order.

Monday, January 1, 2007, 11:25 AM

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Having been that overweight (and not that much less right now) I understand the problem. We don't have as much air getting to that area with the fat thighs. I was especially worried about it when I was working out with a trainer (young male). I just kept especially clean, wore minipads to catch some of the moisture/odor and even had that goal on my list to keep in mind - to feel fresh someday again!!

Monday, January 1, 2007, 1:47 PM

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I agree w/ the minipads, the scented powder fresh ones...that should help. It won't be pretty when you change/remove them, but that and some Summer's Eve spray in the inner thigh and crease area between your groin and thigh each time you go to the bathroom should work.
Good luck, and join some groups here or a team to support you in your goals (if you haven't already)! :)

Monday, January 1, 2007, 3:10 PM

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OP Here. Thanks for the great tips!

Is it normal to sweat to the point of leaving wet marks on chairs? It is so embarrassing.

Monday, January 1, 2007, 3:24 PM

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I'd say it IS normal. Hey, I'm thin. But with a good workout, I sweat through everything I'm wearing and leave wet marks on everything I touch! That's why people carry towels around with them if they are using weight machines -- to wipe the sweat off.

I know it's more easily said than done, but you will have a much easier time if you can stop thinking of healthy things like sweat as embarrassing. Sweating is just something that everyone does.

Monday, January 1, 2007, 6:32 PM

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I'm just a little overweight - about 10 pounds left to go - and I sweat everywhere, too. If I use the rowing machine for 30 minutes, by the end, my entire shorts are wet with sweat. But the above poster is right - that's why we wipe down the machines when we're done (and why it's also a good idea to wipe them down before you get on!).

Monday, January 1, 2007, 8:24 PM

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Well, it's not GENERALLY "normal" if you're not really engaged in physical activity like exercise, but it is normal if you have excess body fat and pounds, which heats and insulates your body. I understand it's embarrasing. I would also suggest using baby powder and spreading it liberally around your thighs, butt (kinda really in there, sorry so graphic) and groin area. You'll still get moisture, and it will cake up, but you can always touch up by carrying baby wipes, and of course, a little bottle of baby powder along with the scented pads and summer's eve mentioned earlier.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007, 1:11 AM

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Also, yes it will go away as you lose weight. I've lost 40 lbs. so far (30 to go!)and I've noticed MUCH less wetness and odor there.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007, 1:12 AM

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Stay away from baby powder, especially the wet wipes with the baby powder you will be left with a pasty mess. Instead try just plain old cornstarch and you can use a little butt paste on the inside of your upper thigh area. That helps a lot believe it or not. It will definitely get better as you lose weight.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007, 2:08 AM

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i don't know-i definitely leave a sweat mark at the gym if i ride a stationary bike or use the rowing machine for a long time and work hard. and i definitely have a bit of a wet mark on my butt after a hard aerobic or weight lifting class. i'm about 140 lbs right now-and while i did sweat more when i was 200lbs- i can't say that i feel all that much more dry now that i'm at a healthy weight. it may be your size, it may just be how much your body perspires naturally. hang in there-bring a towel to sit on or wipe machines down with-and don't worry too much-everyone sweats and most people are paying too much attention to themselves at the gym to even notice you!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 5:18 PM

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I'm in the 130's, and I sweat a lot down there when I run or even walk for a long time.

I have to warn you though about using a panty liner to absorb that moisture... I've found that if they get too wet they will separate from the adhesive lining. Then you end up with some REALLY bad chafing from the wet material rubbing against everything down there. I'm better off without any pad if at all possible.
Maybe a full size pad is better, but hell, I'd rather have someone see the sweat than some bulky pad in my pants! And... sweat doesn't hurt like the chafing does!!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 10:53 PM

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also, if you are sensitive "down there", then stay away from scented pads!

Always brand pads just started a new thing-- a wipe with each maxipad-- it helps, but if you're really sensitive, it might burn a bit. You can also get baby wipes and put some of those in a baggy in your purse as well--that may help, too. (plus they are made of more sensitive ingredients for baby skin, so it shouldn't irritate.)

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 5:24 PM

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cotton underwear no matter what.

it won't help with the odor, but it will allow you to breathe down there.

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 5:59 PM

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You're not alone. Paranoid I guess, I've often wondered if I was the only one noticing the odor? I 've done many of the things listed above. Cotton underwear, and minipads have helped.

Thursday, January 4, 2007, 9:26 PM

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PEOPL PEOPLE PEOPLE you have to stop and think even if you arent exercising that area is the warmest part of your body. All u can do is shower regularlly i would say being I am 100 pounds over weight. Buy some summers eve feminine wash and it will keep oders away will you work out but make sure you use it daily. Also you can use baby powder and wipes and cornstarch but more than likely you will get a rash. but do use the cotton panties they will help

Friday, January 12, 2007, 1:18 AM

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