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Weight Watchers Points

Is there a formula to figure out How many Weight watchers points I can Eat in a day to maintain my weight? I've always wondered about this.

Sun. Dec 31, 4:37pm

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If any one on weight watchers could help that'd be great :)

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:37 PM

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If any one on weight watchers could help that'd be great :)

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:37 PM

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If any one on weight watchers could help that'd be great :)

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:37 PM

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I know there is a formula to figure out how many points are in food. but I'm confused as to how many points I can eat in a day.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:39 PM

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I know there is a formula to figure out how many points are in food. but I'm confused as to how many points I can eat in a day.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:39 PM

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I know there is a formula to figure out how many points are in food. but I'm confused as to how many points I can eat in a day.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 4:39 PM

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Yes there is a system depending on your weight for example 150-175 gets 22 points a day and 35 flex points a week to use however you would like. 176-200 24pts
200-225 26 pts
225-250 28 pts

Try this link to figure out how many points something is

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 6:31 PM

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Yes there is a system depending on your weight for example 150-175 gets 22 points a day and 35 flex points a week to use however you would like. 176-200 24pts
200-225 26 pts
225-250 28 pts

Try this link to figure out how many points something is

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 6:31 PM

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Yes there is a system depending on your weight for example 150-175 gets 22 points a day and 35 flex points a week to use however you would like. 176-200 24pts
200-225 26 pts
225-250 28 pts

Try this link to figure out how many points something is

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 6:31 PM

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I almost forgot to post the link LOL

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 6:32 PM

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I almost forgot to post the link LOL

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 6:32 PM

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I almost forgot to post the link LOL

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 6:32 PM

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Here Is The Formula & Points by Weight

I found the formula. See below:
Weight Watchers Points System
Food is assigned a points value and members use a points "calculator" and recipes provided by the program.
Members are further encouraged to go to counseling sessions held locally for ideas and advice and to help with the lifestyle changes which naturally accompany any dieting program. Online support is also available, along with online recipes, menus and calculators.
As if this were not enough, Weight Watchers create their own line of meals that may be purchased through many larger grocery stores.
A points value is assigned to foods based upon the number of calories, the amount of fiber, the quantity of fat and the size of the portion in each serving. As a general rule, high fat means a high points value and high fiber means a low points value. The daily allowance for dieters is then dependent upon such things as body weight and the desired weight loss.
The points formula looks like this:

P= (c divided by 50) + ( f divided by 12) - (minimum {r, 4} divided by 5)

Where: p = Points | c = Calories | f = Fat Grams | r = Dietary fiber Grams
(Note: in the term (min r, 4) a maximum of 4 grams of fiber is used in the calculation. This means that, if the actual figure is less than 4 this is used, however, when the figure is bigger than 4 then 4 is used.
Here are various examples of the points assigned to particular foods:

FoodCaloriesFat (g)CarbohydratesFiberPoints
Low-fat grilled
chicken pasta8738.9134.310.317
Quarter Pounder
with cheese4303038213
Big Mac5903447314

figure out weight watchers points, Weight Watchers Plan
Here is the points list I found:
So- the point, Points. Weight Watchers Points are assigned based on the serving size of food and how much fiber, fat and calories are in that food. Once you become a member, you and your counselor will determine the healthy target point range based on gender, height, weight, activity level, nursing women, etc. Points range from 18-37 per day. This list will show you what to expect for a daily points target:
<150 pounds… 18-23
150-174 pounds… 20-25
175-199 pounds… 22-27
200-224 pounds… 24-29
225-249 pounds… 26-31
250-274 pounds… 28-33
275-299 pounds… 29-34
300-324 pounds… 30-35
325-349 pounds… 31-36
>350 pounds… 32-37
The diet is very rich in high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. The body will maintain satiety and give your body the nutrients it needs to stay full and healthy because of this. The higher in fiber, lower in calories and lower in fat a food is, it will be given a lower point value. For instance, an apple, low-fat string cheese, fat-free cottage cheese or Hummus all have 1 point. To the contrary, a Big Mac has about 13 points and a Starbucks muffin about 6-10 points- so the less fiber, higher fat and higher calories a food has, the higher its point value. Just like in golf, you want to maintain a lower score.


Saturday, January 10, 2009, 2:02 PM

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Here Is The Formula & Points by Weight

I found the formula. See below:
Weight Watchers Points System
Food is assigned a points value and members use a points "calculator" and recipes provided by the program.
Members are further encouraged to go to counseling sessions held locally for ideas and advice and to help with the lifestyle changes which naturally accompany any dieting program. Online support is also available, along with online recipes, menus and calculators.
As if this were not enough, Weight Watchers create their own line of meals that may be purchased through many larger grocery stores.
A points value is assigned to foods based upon the number of calories, the amount of fiber, the quantity of fat and the size of the portion in each serving. As a general rule, high fat means a high points value and high fiber means a low points value. The daily allowance for dieters is then dependent upon such things as body weight and the desired weight loss.
The points formula looks like this:

P= (c divided by 50) + ( f divided by 12) - (minimum {r, 4} divided by 5)

Where: p = Points | c = Calories | f = Fat Grams | r = Dietary fiber Grams
(Note: in the term (min r, 4) a maximum of 4 grams of fiber is used in the calculation. This means that, if the actual figure is less than 4 this is used, however, when the figure is bigger than 4 then 4 is used.
Here are various examples of the points assigned to particular foods:

FoodCaloriesFat (g)CarbohydratesFiberPoints
Low-fat grilled
chicken pasta8738.9134.310.317
Quarter Pounder
with cheese4303038213
Big Mac5903447314

figure out weight watchers points, Weight Watchers Plan
Here is the points list I found:
So- the point, Points. Weight Watchers Points are assigned based on the serving size of food and how much fiber, fat and calories are in that food. Once you become a member, you and your counselor will determine the healthy target point range based on gender, height, weight, activity level, nursing women, etc. Points range from 18-37 per day. This list will show you what to expect for a daily points target:
<150 pounds… 18-23
150-174 pounds… 20-25
175-199 pounds… 22-27
200-224 pounds… 24-29
225-249 pounds… 26-31
250-274 pounds… 28-33
275-299 pounds… 29-34
300-324 pounds… 30-35
325-349 pounds… 31-36
>350 pounds… 32-37
The diet is very rich in high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. The body will maintain satiety and give your body the nutrients it needs to stay full and healthy because of this. The higher in fiber, lower in calories and lower in fat a food is, it will be given a lower point value. For instance, an apple, low-fat string cheese, fat-free cottage cheese or Hummus all have 1 point. To the contrary, a Big Mac has about 13 points and a Starbucks muffin about 6-10 points- so the less fiber, higher fat and higher calories a food has, the higher its point value. Just like in golf, you want to maintain a lower score.


Saturday, January 10, 2009, 2:02 PM

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Here Is The Formula & Points by Weight

I found the formula. See below:
Weight Watchers Points System
Food is assigned a points value and members use a points "calculator" and recipes provided by the program.
Members are further encouraged to go to counseling sessions held locally for ideas and advice and to help with the lifestyle changes which naturally accompany any dieting program. Online support is also available, along with online recipes, menus and calculators.
As if this were not enough, Weight Watchers create their own line of meals that may be purchased through many larger grocery stores.
A points value is assigned to foods based upon the number of calories, the amount of fiber, the quantity of fat and the size of the portion in each serving. As a general rule, high fat means a high points value and high fiber means a low points value. The daily allowance for dieters is then dependent upon such things as body weight and the desired weight loss.
The points formula looks like this:

P= (c divided by 50) + ( f divided by 12) - (minimum {r, 4} divided by 5)

Where: p = Points | c = Calories | f = Fat Grams | r = Dietary fiber Grams
(Note: in the term (min r, 4) a maximum of 4 grams of fiber is used in the calculation. This means that, if the actual figure is less than 4 this is used, however, when the figure is bigger than 4 then 4 is used.
Here are various examples of the points assigned to particular foods:

FoodCaloriesFat (g)CarbohydratesFiberPoints
Low-fat grilled
chicken pasta8738.9134.310.317
Quarter Pounder
with cheese4303038213
Big Mac5903447314

figure out weight watchers points, Weight Watchers Plan
Here is the points list I found:
So- the point, Points. Weight Watchers Points are assigned based on the serving size of food and how much fiber, fat and calories are in that food. Once you become a member, you and your counselor will determine the healthy target point range based on gender, height, weight, activity level, nursing women, etc. Points range from 18-37 per day. This list will show you what to expect for a daily points target:
<150 pounds… 18-23
150-174 pounds… 20-25
175-199 pounds… 22-27
200-224 pounds… 24-29
225-249 pounds… 26-31
250-274 pounds… 28-33
275-299 pounds… 29-34
300-324 pounds… 30-35
325-349 pounds… 31-36
>350 pounds… 32-37
The diet is very rich in high fiber foods like fruits and vegetables. The body will maintain satiety and give your body the nutrients it needs to stay full and healthy because of this. The higher in fiber, lower in calories and lower in fat a food is, it will be given a lower point value. For instance, an apple, low-fat string cheese, fat-free cottage cheese or Hummus all have 1 point. To the contrary, a Big Mac has about 13 points and a Starbucks muffin about 6-10 points- so the less fiber, higher fat and higher calories a food has, the higher its point value. Just like in golf, you want to maintain a lower score.


Saturday, January 10, 2009, 2:02 PM

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fiber value

i am somewhat confused on fiber value. many of the foods i eat have <1 gram of fiber. does this count as 1 gram or 0 grams of fiber? i want to make sure i am figuring it correctly since sometimes it does make a difference as to the point vale of a given food.

thanx in advance!

Friday, June 11, 2010, 5:00 PM

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fiber value

i am somewhat confused on fiber value. many of the foods i eat have <1 gram of fiber. does this count as 1 gram or 0 grams of fiber? i want to make sure i am figuring it correctly since sometimes it does make a difference as to the point vale of a given food.

thanx in advance!

Friday, June 11, 2010, 5:00 PM

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fiber value

i am somewhat confused on fiber value. many of the foods i eat have <1 gram of fiber. does this count as 1 gram or 0 grams of fiber? i want to make sure i am figuring it correctly since sometimes it does make a difference as to the point vale of a given food.

thanx in advance!

Friday, June 11, 2010, 5:00 PM

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they have changed the pts system now this is how u figure it out
take the first two numbers of your weight then add from the following chart

female add 2pts
male add 8pts

17-26 4pts
27-37 3pts
38-47 2pts
48-58 1pt
over 58 0pt

under 5`1 0pts
5`1 to 5`10 1pt
over 5`10 2pts

how u spend most of your day
sitting down 0pts
occasionally sitting mainly standing 2pts
walking 4pts
physical hard work 6pts

nursing moms only
solely breast feeding 10pts
breastfeeding with some solids and formula 5pts

after you add it all up thats how many pts your allowed but as you keep losing you have to adjust your points with your weight also if your points total more than 44pts use only 44 hope this helps

Thursday, June 17, 2010, 11:59 AM

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they have changed the pts system now this is how u figure it out
take the first two numbers of your weight then add from the following chart

female add 2pts
male add 8pts

17-26 4pts
27-37 3pts
38-47 2pts
48-58 1pt
over 58 0pt

under 5`1 0pts
5`1 to 5`10 1pt
over 5`10 2pts

how u spend most of your day
sitting down 0pts
occasionally sitting mainly standing 2pts
walking 4pts
physical hard work 6pts

nursing moms only
solely breast feeding 10pts
breastfeeding with some solids and formula 5pts

after you add it all up thats how many pts your allowed but as you keep losing you have to adjust your points with your weight also if your points total more than 44pts use only 44 hope this helps

Thursday, June 17, 2010, 11:59 AM

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they have changed the pts system now this is how u figure it out
take the first two numbers of your weight then add from the following chart

female add 2pts
male add 8pts

17-26 4pts
27-37 3pts
38-47 2pts
48-58 1pt
over 58 0pt

under 5`1 0pts
5`1 to 5`10 1pt
over 5`10 2pts

how u spend most of your day
sitting down 0pts
occasionally sitting mainly standing 2pts
walking 4pts
physical hard work 6pts

nursing moms only
solely breast feeding 10pts
breastfeeding with some solids and formula 5pts

after you add it all up thats how many pts your allowed but as you keep losing you have to adjust your points with your weight also if your points total more than 44pts use only 44 hope this helps

Thursday, June 17, 2010, 11:59 AM

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article on the new Weight Watchers Momentum Program:

Thursday, September 16, 2010, 2:32 PM

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article on the new Weight Watchers Momentum Program:

Thursday, September 16, 2010, 2:32 PM

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article on the new Weight Watchers Momentum Program:

Thursday, September 16, 2010, 2:32 PM

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Please someone update this with the new points system.

Saturday, July 8, 2017, 11:05 AM

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Weight Watchers Point Calculator

The newest version I could find is effective as of 2015 right here:

Monday, July 10, 2017, 10:27 AM

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