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Recovery from an accident

My daughter and I were hit by a drunk driver on Thursday evening. Fortunately, neither of us were hurt badly. However, I am finding myself very sore and stiff through my whole upper body. My hands were injured from the impact through the steering wheel, so I don't feel comfortable lifting weights, supporting my body weight on my hands etc.

If anyone here has been similarly injured, what are some of the ways you phased back in exercise? What took the longest to feel right? Did you change your eating to support your healing in some ways?

Sun. Dec 31, 11:59am

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Seek Professional advice

I would go to the doctors and ask for a physical therapist. If you think the condition is that bad. Either way i would seek medical attention from injuries that you are detailing

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 12:03 PM

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Seek Professional advice

I would go to the doctors and ask for a physical therapist. If you think the condition is that bad. Either way i would seek medical attention from injuries that you are detailing

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 12:03 PM

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Seek Professional advice

I would go to the doctors and ask for a physical therapist. If you think the condition is that bad. Either way i would seek medical attention from injuries that you are detailing

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 12:03 PM

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Yes, definitely seek the advice of a physical therapist. They see things like this regularly and can give you a good idea what to expect and how to help your body strengthen and heal itself. You really don't want to aggravate anything that might be injured worse than you realize, but you don't want to miss working out if you're otherwise capable and a good physcail therapist can really help you assess the extent and severity of the damage to your muscles, tendons and joints whereas a doctor will usually just take an x-ray. That is not to say an X-ray is useless, and if you have them, take them to the therapist's office, but they are only part of the picture so to speak.

Sorry to hear about the accident but glad it wasn't worse! Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery!

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 12:50 PM

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Yes, definitely seek the advice of a physical therapist. They see things like this regularly and can give you a good idea what to expect and how to help your body strengthen and heal itself. You really don't want to aggravate anything that might be injured worse than you realize, but you don't want to miss working out if you're otherwise capable and a good physcail therapist can really help you assess the extent and severity of the damage to your muscles, tendons and joints whereas a doctor will usually just take an x-ray. That is not to say an X-ray is useless, and if you have them, take them to the therapist's office, but they are only part of the picture so to speak.

Sorry to hear about the accident but glad it wasn't worse! Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery!

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 12:50 PM

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Yes, definitely seek the advice of a physical therapist. They see things like this regularly and can give you a good idea what to expect and how to help your body strengthen and heal itself. You really don't want to aggravate anything that might be injured worse than you realize, but you don't want to miss working out if you're otherwise capable and a good physcail therapist can really help you assess the extent and severity of the damage to your muscles, tendons and joints whereas a doctor will usually just take an x-ray. That is not to say an X-ray is useless, and if you have them, take them to the therapist's office, but they are only part of the picture so to speak.

Sorry to hear about the accident but glad it wasn't worse! Wishing you a speedy and safe recovery!

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 12:50 PM

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Swimming may be one of your best options.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 2:39 PM

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Swimming may be one of your best options.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 2:39 PM

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Swimming may be one of your best options.

Sunday, December 31, 2006, 2:39 PM

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