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Dairy and Weight Loss
There have been a couple good threads/ arguments on whether or not humans can or should digest dairy. I personally love fine cheese, yogurt etc. A couple questions- do cheeses and yogurts digest differerently than plain cows milk? I do know that pastuerization kills off the enzyme needed to digest milk. What happens to the undigested milk?
Another thing I'd like to add is that I have cut out dairy completely from my diet, and the pounds have melted off. I have made a couple other adjustments (reduced sugar), but I am convinced it is getting rid of dairy that has triggered my loss. Yes, milk has calcium-- but almonds and broccoli have more calciunm
Sat. Dec 30, 3:29pm
II don't have an answer to your questions, but I think it nteresting that you attribute your weight loss to removing dairy, and not the reduced sugar. What kind of dairy did you consume - whole milk or full-fat yogurt? Skim milk is very low in calories and dairy supposedly increases metabolism. Lowfat cottage cheese is also very high in protein. You have to watch out for cheese because even the lowfat stuff has a good amount of fat in it. But considering you need some fat in your diet, cheese is a pretty healthy source of it. If I removed dairy from my diet, I would have a really hard time getting the protein I need.
Saturday, December 30, 2006, 6:56 PM
I became vegan two years ago (means no meat, dairy, eggs, animal products) and never lost any weight from it because my issue was portion size of the healthy things I did eat and the fact that I basically never exercised. If it helped your digestive tract sort itself out I suppose the loss could be directly related, but I think the last poster made some good points. The pounds didn't start to "melt" off me until I cut the amounts and got off my hinder. Yep, you can get calcium elsewhere, just make sure you keep a very close eye on it. Take a good quality suppliment if you have any doubts.
Saturday, December 30, 2006, 7:10 PM
Dairy Products.
In a diet that I was on years ago ,If I ate as little as one slice of cheese I gained .This may have been due to the fact that I was getting weekly injections on that particular diet program and the shot that I received may have had something in it that caused weight gain when mixed with cheese.I do believe that skim milk will not cause one to gain or stop weight loss.Newmans43
Sunday, December 31, 2006, 5:22 AM
I know nothing about the science of it. But I have a 60 calorie yogurt every day. The calcium and the protein I get out of only 60 calories is fantastic. I do miss cheese, but I do sometimes eat the fat free cheese slices from Kraft. They taste nothing like cheese if you eat it solo, but on a sandwich or something they're not too bad...
Sunday, December 31, 2006, 7:34 AM
Yoghurt and cheeses will be digested a LOT differently if you're lactose intolerant. Yoghurt will give you problems, while cheese (as long as it's not young like soft brie) has no or negligible amounts of lactose. (the lactose is consumed by bacteria inherent in the cheese).
Sunday, December 31, 2006, 8:20 AM
I find this obession with the protien and calcium in dairy amazing. There are plenty of other sources of both out there. Humans were not meant to consume dairy, period.
Sunday, December 31, 2006, 8:38 AM
We weren't meant to fly either.
Sunday, December 31, 2006, 8:42 AM
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