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Jewelry and Make Up at the Gym

Is this a do or a don't?

I see some women totally made up at 9 in the morning, full hair, make up and jewelry this normal?

Wed. Dec 27, 9:54am

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I prefer it when women don't wear makeup to the gym - if they sweat, their makeup ends up all over other stuff, which is gross! However, I'll admit, I generally forget to remove my jewelry. It's not a matter of trying to look nice, I just simply forget to take it off! I've had people comment to me - like - "Ive never seen anyone do step aerobics in pearls before!"

I don't think it's really a "do" or a "don't." Assuming you're going to the gym to work out and get all sweaty, just go with what you're comfortable with. No one's looking at you but you.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 10:00 AM

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LOL, i go to a pilates studio where i am the only woman *not* wearing full-face make-up, jewelry, with coiffed hair. i always wonder how they do it. i personally do not like the feeling of make up when sweating, but like anything i suppose it's personal preference more than a "do" or "don't"

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 10:50 AM

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Personally, I think that the most important thing is that these woman (make up and jewellery or not) have got off their butts and got to the gym. I don't think it matters at all - whatever helps us to feel great.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 11:22 AM

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I'm pretty much always wearing make-up, but I don't go in the morning when you do. I go straight after work and then shower right afterwards. I've recently switched to the bare essentials mineral foundation which is great for not clogging pores or sliding down your face. I honestly don't know how many women at my gym do or don't - I really don't pay attention.

I have to agree - what's important is not what you wear or how you look when you're there - it's that you're there and you're working out.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 11:43 AM

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I sweat like crazy, so when I wipe my eyes and am wearing make up, my mascara goes all over the place! Hate that. So, I bring my cleanser with me to work and wash off before exercising. I also take off my jewelry. I don't want anything getting in the way of that damned treadmill and me!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 3:02 PM

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it's amazing....when i started working out at a women's only gym the make-up and jewelry thing all went away. there's a difference between going to the gym right after work vs getting dressed up for the gym. it's like some girls are there just to look pretty for the guys.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 8:41 PM

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Yeah, I've noticed the difference between co-ed and women only gyms. I have memberships at both...the co-ed one is huge and I love it, but it's 25 minutes from my house, the women only is 5 minutes away.

I personally do make an effort to look decent when I go to the co-ed, but the women only...I literally go AS IS, gnarly hair, no make up, and spit up on me if it's a bad morning :)

Thursday, December 28, 2006, 4:55 PM

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That "rules" book said it's a definite yes but then again, one of the authors is divorced and I think the other one is too. I think wearing makeup is trying to hard and you look stupid but if you already have makeup on, that's ok. The sweat makes it almost melt into your skin and you look even better. I swear, sounds strange, but it's so true.

Friday, December 29, 2006, 9:47 AM

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I belong to a women's only gym. I only wear makeup if I am going by the gym on my way home from errands, lunch, etc. If I am just running out to the gym and back home I only wear moisturizer. Always have a heart monitor, wedding ring, religious charm on a gold chain around my neck and gold hoops in my ears(my minimum jewlery). I think it's ridiculous to get dolled up to go to the gym and sweat it off. Ditto for heavy perfume.

Friday, December 29, 2006, 3:18 PM

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