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Poll: What Herbs do you take on a regular basis?

Have they worked for you?

Tue. Dec 26, 4:08pm

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I take a relicore, farenheit, fish oil, vit c and multi vitamin. Not sure what's in any of them. Do they work, well that depends on what you mean by working. I understand that there's no magic diet pill and the supps alone will not make weight disappear, although, when I take them, I tend to pay more attention to my effort. I usually stop taking them if I don't feel well (I have a head cold now) but will continue the vitamins and fish oil. The relicore is supposed to block cortisol - I noticed a big difference when I take that and exercise. The farenheit is supposed to be a women's metabolism booster - also, I noticed a difference with this when I work out. Neither seem to do much except make me antsy when I am not in the gym.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006, 3:55 PM

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Milk Thistle, Dandelion Root

I have started taking Milk Thistle to help detox the liver. I am slowly realizing how bad so much of the food I eat is, and I am doing a slow detox instead of a quick one. Milk Thistle comes highly recommended by Andrew Weil. It is an old European remedy and has been quite popular over the years. It and Dandielion Root are supposed to help stimulate the liver to promote bile flow, which helps to carry away waste as well as break down fat during digestion. I take the Milk Thistle in capsule format, and drink Dandielion Root tea in the morning.

Friday, December 29, 2006, 1:56 PM

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I take a multi-mineral supplement because I seem to get muscle cramps a lot more than I did before dieting (though admittedly that was also before I started working out, so who knows what that's related too), and it had 500mg calcium, which I'm very careful about because my 56yo mother is 1.5" shorter than she was 10 years ago. I also take an occasional dose of psyllium husks mixed in juice to keep regular if I find myself slacking on fiber.

I've been meaning to research vitamin/herbal supplements - not magic weight loss formulas like Trimspa, Hydroxycut - that might help with some of the mental and physical side effects of dieting (e.g. appetite suppression, fatigue, dry skin, sugar cravings). I hope this thread continues to invite valuable input.

Friday, December 29, 2006, 2:10 PM

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