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food and or work out
I need some help and support. I am not sure when first starting out, do I focus on food first and then the work out. I am confused and really a little desperate right now. I don't want to go into the new year feeling like this. I want to be wearing shorts by the summer. If there is anyone who can help me stay motivated and offer some kind words of encouragement. I need itl
Mon. Dec 25, 1:49am
I would recommend, as you're just starting out, to go with what you think you can stick with the easiest. As you stay with it, you'll start to see your first results and that will give you the foundation and the confidence to add something to your overall plan. It sounds like you realise that you need both healthy eating and exercise in your life, and that's half the battle!
Give yourself small, acheivable goals to begin with. On my profile, I've written monthly "mini goals" as well as the big over all goals. You're already on PeerTrainer, which I've found a HUGE help. Find a couple of groups and be active in them if you can (I find it fun to post comments, but not everyone has the time or inclination). Also, really try to log everything. Especially the "oops"-es. My first couple of weeks here, I didn't even change my eating habits. Instead I logged everything as normal so I could see exactly where I was messing up. For me it was portion size and late-night eating. For some it's fast food or treats. Others, it's binging. The point is, no one around here is perfect ,and there's a lot to be learned from those less than perfect days.
I wish you the best. Don't get discouraged at the beginning. New habits and real change take time, and we've all been there. If you feel down again, reach out like you did this time. There are loads of motivated folks here who love to see everybody succeed. You CAN do it.
Monday, December 25, 2006, 5:55 AM
Do one thing at a time. Start with the easiest. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Go for a walk, join a gym. Eat a bowl of broth based soup, eat an extra serving of fruit a day, drink water instead of soda. Down grade your milk, if your drinking whole, go to 2%, then 1% then skim over the course of a few months.
Join something- a hiking club, a karate class, learn how to salsa, belly dance. Try something till you find the one that you cannot live without, it will take some time, but you will become a stronger person because of it.
Learn your patterns. I know the week before I get by cycle I am starving for 3 days straight, and if I try to not eat, it WILL get out of control; I just try to eat on healthy things, extra fruit, extra veggies, some pasta.
Learn how to cook 10 supper good and healthy dishes, go to the book store, or look online and find 10 recipes that you love, memorize them, and stock every ingredient you need 100% of the time. No excuse to not eat right. 10 too many? Start with 3.
I love Mexican type foods, but I have to keep them easy
Recipe ideas. A whole cleaned chicken in a crock-pot, with a jar of salsa poured on top cooked on low all day served with leftover rice, or a tortilla and a bit of cheese. A can of rinsed black beans and you have a wonderful high fiber dinner.
Some white fish poached in some veggie broth with lime and lemon, perhaps some ginger served with some wilted greens, and some cooked carrots, that is another good one.
A bag of salad greens, a can of tuna and what ever other veggies you have in the house,
You can do anything you set your mind to! Just remember that.
Monday, December 25, 2006, 8:36 PM
Both previous posters have some great advice! Start with one thing at a time. When I started out losing weight, my vice was fast food eating and soda. I went cold-turkey which is tough as anything. I never realized how addictive soda was. Personally I would start out working on both exercise and eating. Once you make eating and exercise as part of your routine, those habits will increase their effect on your well-being. Find inspiration where you can. Start small and make incremental increases each week.
Writing it down helps and logging helps you stay accountable. In addition to PeerTrainer, I would find someone in your life who you trust and is supportive, and ask them to help you stay accountable. I do this every so often when I'm craving something sweet after lunch. I make a verbal promise to a friend at work that I will not have anything sweet and we shake on it. It's amazing how much harder it is to break my word to someone else than if I only made the promise to myself.
Monday, December 25, 2006, 10:35 PM
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