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double chin trouble, what to do?

I seem to lose weight in my face last. which is irritating because isnt that supposed to be the first to go? I always have round cheeks and a bit of a chubby/slightly double chin. the rest of me has gotten thin...even skinny-ish. I want my face to slim down! but I dont necessarily want to lose more weight else where. is there ANYTHING i can do without surgery?

Sat. Dec 23, 1:49am

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neck exercises

you can do these in the shower or maybe during a commercial (or while a URL page loads)... look up at the ceiling and your jaw will naturally drop- raise lower jaw to clench teeth. Tilting head one way and then the other will help stretch and strengthen the sides of your neck.

The skin will snap back.. it will just take time. frustrating I know. great job on your current strides.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2006, 10:13 AM

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neck exercises

you can do these in the shower or maybe during a commercial (or while a URL page loads)... look up at the ceiling and your jaw will naturally drop- raise lower jaw to clench teeth. Tilting head one way and then the other will help stretch and strengthen the sides of your neck.

The skin will snap back.. it will just take time. frustrating I know. great job on your current strides.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2006, 10:13 AM

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neck exercises

you can do these in the shower or maybe during a commercial (or while a URL page loads)... look up at the ceiling and your jaw will naturally drop- raise lower jaw to clench teeth. Tilting head one way and then the other will help stretch and strengthen the sides of your neck.

The skin will snap back.. it will just take time. frustrating I know. great job on your current strides.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 23, 2006, 10:13 AM

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That's wonderful that you've lost so much weight. I understand your frustrations. I've also lost a lot of weight, and my two places that are the very last to lose the weight are my back and my stomach. So, I currently have very slim arms, and legs, and on my upper chest you can even see my ribs when I move my arms up and down (not in a gross way though - but just seeing ribs is a new experience for me), and I'm thinking - crikey, how much weight do I have to lose if I want to get rid of the little back far rolls that are still there.

I have read though that you can't spot reduce, and so its a matter of just keeping on going and your body will just remove the weight in a set pattern. Though in your situation it sound like you're getting down as far as you would want to go with the weight loss. I have a friend who has a similar build to yours perhaps - she's a slim woman and her face shape just happens to be round. If you do decide to continue with the weight loss to see if it will make your face less round, perhaps you should check with your doctor to get some advice about how much more you can lose healthily.

Anyway, these are just thoughts off the top of my head. But you've obviously done great so far, so congratulations on the huge progress you've made. Have a lovely Christmas.

Sunday, December 24, 2006, 12:15 AM

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That's wonderful that you've lost so much weight. I understand your frustrations. I've also lost a lot of weight, and my two places that are the very last to lose the weight are my back and my stomach. So, I currently have very slim arms, and legs, and on my upper chest you can even see my ribs when I move my arms up and down (not in a gross way though - but just seeing ribs is a new experience for me), and I'm thinking - crikey, how much weight do I have to lose if I want to get rid of the little back far rolls that are still there.

I have read though that you can't spot reduce, and so its a matter of just keeping on going and your body will just remove the weight in a set pattern. Though in your situation it sound like you're getting down as far as you would want to go with the weight loss. I have a friend who has a similar build to yours perhaps - she's a slim woman and her face shape just happens to be round. If you do decide to continue with the weight loss to see if it will make your face less round, perhaps you should check with your doctor to get some advice about how much more you can lose healthily.

Anyway, these are just thoughts off the top of my head. But you've obviously done great so far, so congratulations on the huge progress you've made. Have a lovely Christmas.

Sunday, December 24, 2006, 12:15 AM

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That's wonderful that you've lost so much weight. I understand your frustrations. I've also lost a lot of weight, and my two places that are the very last to lose the weight are my back and my stomach. So, I currently have very slim arms, and legs, and on my upper chest you can even see my ribs when I move my arms up and down (not in a gross way though - but just seeing ribs is a new experience for me), and I'm thinking - crikey, how much weight do I have to lose if I want to get rid of the little back far rolls that are still there.

I have read though that you can't spot reduce, and so its a matter of just keeping on going and your body will just remove the weight in a set pattern. Though in your situation it sound like you're getting down as far as you would want to go with the weight loss. I have a friend who has a similar build to yours perhaps - she's a slim woman and her face shape just happens to be round. If you do decide to continue with the weight loss to see if it will make your face less round, perhaps you should check with your doctor to get some advice about how much more you can lose healthily.

Anyway, these are just thoughts off the top of my head. But you've obviously done great so far, so congratulations on the huge progress you've made. Have a lovely Christmas.

Sunday, December 24, 2006, 12:15 AM

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