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Newbie Advice

I just joined a gym for the first time this week. What is your best piece of advice for getting started? This could mean workout essentials, tips on music, gym ettiquette, whatever you choose! I'd love the help, thanks!

Fri. Dec 22, 11:51am

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Go easy on the perfume :-)

Try out different equipment and get a feel for what you like. If you don't know how to use something don't be intimidated to ask. Your gym wants you to be happy and comfortable working out there. I like mixing up my routine from time to time to keep things interesting and target different areas. Make sure you are challenging yourself and not letting things get too routine.

For gear - try out different gear too. I absolutely hate clothes that cling, so I go for loose comfy things and don't see how anyone can exercise in those tighty shorts and shirts, but there are others who would be irritated by clothes that move, so you really have to find your own way there. Moisture wicking fabric doesn't keep up with my workouts, so I prefer 100% cotton. There's lots of stuff out there, don't be afraid to experiment - worst case; you end up with some comfy clothes that you like to wear but not necesarily work out in.

I have to have 2 pairs of good shoes (Asics and Saucony are my faves) so I can switch them off every other day - otherwise they start to stink.

I pack my bag every night and have it sitting under my coat right by the door - this way I feel guilty if I don't grab it.

I have something small to eat after I leave and an entire bottle of water. This helps keep my energy levels going. Dehydration can really make you tired quick!

Have fun and don't forget to stretch!

Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:25 PM

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Go easy on the perfume :-)

Try out different equipment and get a feel for what you like. If you don't know how to use something don't be intimidated to ask. Your gym wants you to be happy and comfortable working out there. I like mixing up my routine from time to time to keep things interesting and target different areas. Make sure you are challenging yourself and not letting things get too routine.

For gear - try out different gear too. I absolutely hate clothes that cling, so I go for loose comfy things and don't see how anyone can exercise in those tighty shorts and shirts, but there are others who would be irritated by clothes that move, so you really have to find your own way there. Moisture wicking fabric doesn't keep up with my workouts, so I prefer 100% cotton. There's lots of stuff out there, don't be afraid to experiment - worst case; you end up with some comfy clothes that you like to wear but not necesarily work out in.

I have to have 2 pairs of good shoes (Asics and Saucony are my faves) so I can switch them off every other day - otherwise they start to stink.

I pack my bag every night and have it sitting under my coat right by the door - this way I feel guilty if I don't grab it.

I have something small to eat after I leave and an entire bottle of water. This helps keep my energy levels going. Dehydration can really make you tired quick!

Have fun and don't forget to stretch!

Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:25 PM

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Go easy on the perfume :-)

Try out different equipment and get a feel for what you like. If you don't know how to use something don't be intimidated to ask. Your gym wants you to be happy and comfortable working out there. I like mixing up my routine from time to time to keep things interesting and target different areas. Make sure you are challenging yourself and not letting things get too routine.

For gear - try out different gear too. I absolutely hate clothes that cling, so I go for loose comfy things and don't see how anyone can exercise in those tighty shorts and shirts, but there are others who would be irritated by clothes that move, so you really have to find your own way there. Moisture wicking fabric doesn't keep up with my workouts, so I prefer 100% cotton. There's lots of stuff out there, don't be afraid to experiment - worst case; you end up with some comfy clothes that you like to wear but not necesarily work out in.

I have to have 2 pairs of good shoes (Asics and Saucony are my faves) so I can switch them off every other day - otherwise they start to stink.

I pack my bag every night and have it sitting under my coat right by the door - this way I feel guilty if I don't grab it.

I have something small to eat after I leave and an entire bottle of water. This helps keep my energy levels going. Dehydration can really make you tired quick!

Have fun and don't forget to stretch!

Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:25 PM

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Make the gym a habit. Pack your clothes the night before in your gym bag, and take it with you in the morning.

Don't be afraid to try the equipment. If you don't like the way the equipment feels, then step off of it. No one is paying any attention to you and what you do. That goes for weights too.

If your gym offers a complimentary personal training session, take it.

Try classes that suit the type of exercise feel most comfortable with.

As for equitette, nothing special: wipe down the machines with towel if you're sweaty, smile at people when you become a regular, don't drop weights or crash the stacks. Oh and, just try not to grunt to loudly. ;)

Most of all, the space is yours and simply find your niche.

Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:34 PM

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Make the gym a habit. Pack your clothes the night before in your gym bag, and take it with you in the morning.

Don't be afraid to try the equipment. If you don't like the way the equipment feels, then step off of it. No one is paying any attention to you and what you do. That goes for weights too.

If your gym offers a complimentary personal training session, take it.

Try classes that suit the type of exercise feel most comfortable with.

As for equitette, nothing special: wipe down the machines with towel if you're sweaty, smile at people when you become a regular, don't drop weights or crash the stacks. Oh and, just try not to grunt to loudly. ;)

Most of all, the space is yours and simply find your niche.

Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:34 PM

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Make the gym a habit. Pack your clothes the night before in your gym bag, and take it with you in the morning.

Don't be afraid to try the equipment. If you don't like the way the equipment feels, then step off of it. No one is paying any attention to you and what you do. That goes for weights too.

If your gym offers a complimentary personal training session, take it.

Try classes that suit the type of exercise feel most comfortable with.

As for equitette, nothing special: wipe down the machines with towel if you're sweaty, smile at people when you become a regular, don't drop weights or crash the stacks. Oh and, just try not to grunt to loudly. ;)

Most of all, the space is yours and simply find your niche.

Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:34 PM

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As for workout clothes, you can try Lucy ( They have clothes for different shapes and heights. They're also pretty durable. I actually prefer the synthetic fabrics, but cotton/synthetic is all a matter of personal preference.


Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:48 PM

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As for workout clothes, you can try Lucy ( They have clothes for different shapes and heights. They're also pretty durable. I actually prefer the synthetic fabrics, but cotton/synthetic is all a matter of personal preference.


Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:48 PM

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As for workout clothes, you can try Lucy ( They have clothes for different shapes and heights. They're also pretty durable. I actually prefer the synthetic fabrics, but cotton/synthetic is all a matter of personal preference.


Friday, December 22, 2006, 12:48 PM

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I agree with the above posters & have something else to add. I've had gym memberships in the past & one of the things I wish I had done was to make a stronger attempt to get to know people. The people who knew each other had such great rapport & were able to be more consistent with working out too, so it's a win-win. You meet new people, plus you want to go to the gym to see your friends instead of "putting your time in" on a treadmill or whatever.

And definitely don't be afraid to try the classes. They're fun, a great workout, and often allow for adaptability to new members. And that may be a great way to meet people.

Friday, December 22, 2006, 1:50 PM

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I agree with the above posters & have something else to add. I've had gym memberships in the past & one of the things I wish I had done was to make a stronger attempt to get to know people. The people who knew each other had such great rapport & were able to be more consistent with working out too, so it's a win-win. You meet new people, plus you want to go to the gym to see your friends instead of "putting your time in" on a treadmill or whatever.

And definitely don't be afraid to try the classes. They're fun, a great workout, and often allow for adaptability to new members. And that may be a great way to meet people.

Friday, December 22, 2006, 1:50 PM

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I agree with the above posters & have something else to add. I've had gym memberships in the past & one of the things I wish I had done was to make a stronger attempt to get to know people. The people who knew each other had such great rapport & were able to be more consistent with working out too, so it's a win-win. You meet new people, plus you want to go to the gym to see your friends instead of "putting your time in" on a treadmill or whatever.

And definitely don't be afraid to try the classes. They're fun, a great workout, and often allow for adaptability to new members. And that may be a great way to meet people.

Friday, December 22, 2006, 1:50 PM

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