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Effective Calorie Burning?

I am looking at trying to fit in a routine of small activities each day as part of my routine to burn off a few extra calories here and there. What do you guys do?

Tue. Dec 19, 11:05am

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Walk the dog, park further from the door and walk, walk up the stairs instead of taking the escalator/elevator, walk to the mailbox instead of stopping my car and reaching out the window, walk at lunch or walk down the street to buy lunch instead of taking the car, walk the dog again, walk the dog again.

So... walk.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:24 PM

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While waiting in line or otherwise standing, I try to stand with very good posture. I feel sure I'm burning calories while tightening abs, tucking butt, and pulling shoulders back.

Another quick idea I use occasionally is the DVD workout series called "10 Minute Solutions". Most of the DVDs in the series seem to have about 5 different 10-minute workouts. One is called "10 Minute Solution - Carb and Calorie Burner". I can usually fit in 10 minutes, and once I have a 10-minute workout memorized, I don't even have to stand in front of the TV -- I can do it anytime, anywhere.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 1:43 PM

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I walk up and down stairs. I live on the second floor and almost always walk up/down the stairs. (BTW, I usually get to the apartment door before my husband, who takes the elevator.) And at work I walk up/down 7 flights of stairs to/from my office. The rest of the company is 5 flights above my office and when I need to speak to someone there, I also use the stairs.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 2:47 PM

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Sex! Such a great workout. I feel like it's very similar to yoga (holding a pose, flexing muscles, breathing). Anyone else feel this way?

I saw this one woman on Oprah who claims to have lost all her weight with more sex with her husband. I totally believe it.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 5:39 PM

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