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To much fitness for woman!!!
I had seen a lot of woman which is more like man not woman. Are those steroids ore something else but I think tht's to much.
Sun. Dec 17, 1:34pm
Oh my.
Sunday, December 17, 2006, 9:06 PM
Oh my.
Sunday, December 17, 2006, 9:06 PM
Oh my.
Sunday, December 17, 2006, 9:06 PM
Aw, c'mon, yer just jealous...
honestly, I thought they mostly looked pretty good. What guy doesn't secretly want a gal who can bench-press him?
Monday, December 18, 2006, 1:59 PM
Aw, c'mon, yer just jealous...
honestly, I thought they mostly looked pretty good. What guy doesn't secretly want a gal who can bench-press him?
Monday, December 18, 2006, 1:59 PM
Aw, c'mon, yer just jealous...
honestly, I thought they mostly looked pretty good. What guy doesn't secretly want a gal who can bench-press him?
Monday, December 18, 2006, 1:59 PM
eewww.. so wierd...
I really don't know why these women are even wearing bikini tops in the photos, because I'm sure their breasts have dissapeared long ago. And the lucite heels and the fake tan.... barf-o-rama. My husband gets nervous when I life weights because he doesn't want me to look like that. I tell him it's almost impossible unless lifting weights and drinking protein is all I ever do.. yuk. Seriously these women look like tranny hookers in those outfits!
Monday, December 18, 2006, 2:09 PM
eewww.. so wierd...
I really don't know why these women are even wearing bikini tops in the photos, because I'm sure their breasts have dissapeared long ago. And the lucite heels and the fake tan.... barf-o-rama. My husband gets nervous when I life weights because he doesn't want me to look like that. I tell him it's almost impossible unless lifting weights and drinking protein is all I ever do.. yuk. Seriously these women look like tranny hookers in those outfits!
Monday, December 18, 2006, 2:09 PM
eewww.. so wierd...
I really don't know why these women are even wearing bikini tops in the photos, because I'm sure their breasts have dissapeared long ago. And the lucite heels and the fake tan.... barf-o-rama. My husband gets nervous when I life weights because he doesn't want me to look like that. I tell him it's almost impossible unless lifting weights and drinking protein is all I ever do.. yuk. Seriously these women look like tranny hookers in those outfits!
Monday, December 18, 2006, 2:09 PM
the woman in the top photo has misaligned nipples. they must be fake boobs, right? although i am not interested in ever going to the extremes those women did, i do admire their tenacity. the girl in the third picture looks like she would look "normal" in street clothes.
Monday, December 18, 2006, 2:34 PM
the woman in the top photo has misaligned nipples. they must be fake boobs, right? although i am not interested in ever going to the extremes those women did, i do admire their tenacity. the girl in the third picture looks like she would look "normal" in street clothes.
Monday, December 18, 2006, 2:34 PM
the woman in the top photo has misaligned nipples. they must be fake boobs, right? although i am not interested in ever going to the extremes those women did, i do admire their tenacity. the girl in the third picture looks like she would look "normal" in street clothes.
Monday, December 18, 2006, 2:34 PM
what freaks me out is how their faces have taken on a "manly" look despite the make-up, hair, tans etc. yeah-great that they are dedicated but not great that they essentially have crossed into another gender unintentionally. i lift a lot of weights and thank goodness i still look like a woman!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006, 3:23 PM
what freaks me out is how their faces have taken on a "manly" look despite the make-up, hair, tans etc. yeah-great that they are dedicated but not great that they essentially have crossed into another gender unintentionally. i lift a lot of weights and thank goodness i still look like a woman!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006, 3:23 PM
what freaks me out is how their faces have taken on a "manly" look despite the make-up, hair, tans etc. yeah-great that they are dedicated but not great that they essentially have crossed into another gender unintentionally. i lift a lot of weights and thank goodness i still look like a woman!!!
Monday, December 18, 2006, 3:23 PM
I've gotta say, its the very least of my worries that I'll ever get too many muscles lol...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:09 PM
I've gotta say, its the very least of my worries that I'll ever get too many muscles lol...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:09 PM
I've gotta say, its the very least of my worries that I'll ever get too many muscles lol...
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:09 PM
First I think it's great that women are lifting weights. That's a very good thing. Second, according to the first woman Olympian Rachel McLish, steroid use is the reason some female bodybuilders have become huge. It's too bad since steroid abuse does *terrible* things to the body.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:24 PM
First I think it's great that women are lifting weights. That's a very good thing. Second, according to the first woman Olympian Rachel McLish, steroid use is the reason some female bodybuilders have become huge. It's too bad since steroid abuse does *terrible* things to the body.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:24 PM
First I think it's great that women are lifting weights. That's a very good thing. Second, according to the first woman Olympian Rachel McLish, steroid use is the reason some female bodybuilders have become huge. It's too bad since steroid abuse does *terrible* things to the body.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 12:24 PM
Personally, I don't find the extremes of muscularity to be attractive on either gender. It just takes a whole lot more work and/or steroids to get a womans body to such ridiculously low fat/highly muscled proportions. That said, it also irritates me to a HUGE degree the number of older women I work with (I'm in health care) whose doctors prescribe them anti-bone loss drugs without telling them that they could help themselves tremendously in preventing and reversing osteoporosis by lifting weights! Just drug the women that want to keep their hips from fracturing, that's the ticket.
I'm in my early thirties. I lift 3 days a week and I'm proud that the older guys in the gym try not to use the machines right after me because they are ashamed to drop the weight down "after a girl" used it last. I also look very feminine and am in no danger of having my body fat drop into single digits. Just go ahead and lift! There's minimal risk of getting manly looking and maximal benefit on metabolism and bone density.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 9:50 PM
Personally, I don't find the extremes of muscularity to be attractive on either gender. It just takes a whole lot more work and/or steroids to get a womans body to such ridiculously low fat/highly muscled proportions. That said, it also irritates me to a HUGE degree the number of older women I work with (I'm in health care) whose doctors prescribe them anti-bone loss drugs without telling them that they could help themselves tremendously in preventing and reversing osteoporosis by lifting weights! Just drug the women that want to keep their hips from fracturing, that's the ticket.
I'm in my early thirties. I lift 3 days a week and I'm proud that the older guys in the gym try not to use the machines right after me because they are ashamed to drop the weight down "after a girl" used it last. I also look very feminine and am in no danger of having my body fat drop into single digits. Just go ahead and lift! There's minimal risk of getting manly looking and maximal benefit on metabolism and bone density.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 9:50 PM
Personally, I don't find the extremes of muscularity to be attractive on either gender. It just takes a whole lot more work and/or steroids to get a womans body to such ridiculously low fat/highly muscled proportions. That said, it also irritates me to a HUGE degree the number of older women I work with (I'm in health care) whose doctors prescribe them anti-bone loss drugs without telling them that they could help themselves tremendously in preventing and reversing osteoporosis by lifting weights! Just drug the women that want to keep their hips from fracturing, that's the ticket.
I'm in my early thirties. I lift 3 days a week and I'm proud that the older guys in the gym try not to use the machines right after me because they are ashamed to drop the weight down "after a girl" used it last. I also look very feminine and am in no danger of having my body fat drop into single digits. Just go ahead and lift! There's minimal risk of getting manly looking and maximal benefit on metabolism and bone density.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 9:50 PM
I'm with the 9:50 poster. The problem here isn't one of gender. I don't like the looks of most of these women, but I don't care for the same look on men--the vein-popping, out-of-scale muscle development. This guy
looks just as weird and icky as those women...maybe even more so. It's not normal for anyone, male or female, to look like this--and it takes methods that are also abnormal.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 10:50 AM
I'm with the 9:50 poster. The problem here isn't one of gender. I don't like the looks of most of these women, but I don't care for the same look on men--the vein-popping, out-of-scale muscle development. This guy
looks just as weird and icky as those women...maybe even more so. It's not normal for anyone, male or female, to look like this--and it takes methods that are also abnormal.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 10:50 AM
I'm with the 9:50 poster. The problem here isn't one of gender. I don't like the looks of most of these women, but I don't care for the same look on men--the vein-popping, out-of-scale muscle development. This guy
looks just as weird and icky as those women...maybe even more so. It's not normal for anyone, male or female, to look like this--and it takes methods that are also abnormal.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 10:50 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 1:52 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 1:52 PM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 1:52 PM
I think the woman in the last picture is actually made of plastic lol. going to such high extremes to get a body like that seems just as disordered as models starving themselves to be rail thin...the focus doesnt seem to be their strength...but their appearance. its scary :(
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 11:35 PM
I think the woman in the last picture is actually made of plastic lol. going to such high extremes to get a body like that seems just as disordered as models starving themselves to be rail thin...the focus doesnt seem to be their strength...but their appearance. its scary :(
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 11:35 PM
I think the woman in the last picture is actually made of plastic lol. going to such high extremes to get a body like that seems just as disordered as models starving themselves to be rail thin...the focus doesnt seem to be their strength...but their appearance. its scary :(
Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 11:35 PM
A lot of times these pics get circulated and it just discourages women from strength training. It's BS, because a major component of building muscles is testosterone, which women don't have a lot of naturally. Most women that get that big either train their asses off (meaning their full time job IS the gym), eat ridiculously clean, get lots of protein, etc, OR are taking steroids.
So if you're just doing some ST a few times at the gym, fear not, those kind of results ain't just gonna happen by accident!
Thursday, December 21, 2006, 9:22 AM
A lot of times these pics get circulated and it just discourages women from strength training. It's BS, because a major component of building muscles is testosterone, which women don't have a lot of naturally. Most women that get that big either train their asses off (meaning their full time job IS the gym), eat ridiculously clean, get lots of protein, etc, OR are taking steroids.
So if you're just doing some ST a few times at the gym, fear not, those kind of results ain't just gonna happen by accident!
Thursday, December 21, 2006, 9:22 AM
A lot of times these pics get circulated and it just discourages women from strength training. It's BS, because a major component of building muscles is testosterone, which women don't have a lot of naturally. Most women that get that big either train their asses off (meaning their full time job IS the gym), eat ridiculously clean, get lots of protein, etc, OR are taking steroids.
So if you're just doing some ST a few times at the gym, fear not, those kind of results ain't just gonna happen by accident!
Thursday, December 21, 2006, 9:22 AM
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