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post c-section pot bellies?
I have another tummy question, but this is a little different, so i wanted to start a new thread.
Any of you women who have had c-sections - was it very hard for you to get your stomach in shape after giving birth?
This is my 4th baby, but only my first c-section. I have been working out for just over a month and have seen nice improvements everywhere but my belly. I have never had such a disproportionate amount of weight on my belly before! Even after the other births, when I got in shape, all my weight came off evenly. And I know I can't spot-reduce, but I'm wondering if the c-section is what's causing the big difference this time.
Anyone know?
Thu. Dec 14, 1:46pm
didn't have a c-section but still having a rough time. I was fine after my first 2, having trouble with my third. I'm taking my time, hoping it will get better.
Thursday, December 14, 2006, 4:43 PM
i had an emergency-C
after 30 hours of labor so my scar is quite long - hip bone to hip bone. i am sorry to report that i have a "flap" of skin over the scar that will most likely never go away w/o surgery. i have been doing pilates for about a year and have noticed a definite tightening of the middle-front abs but the sides are still very soft. i am sorry that i can't offer a more positive outlook, but i can tell you you are not alone.
Thursday, December 14, 2006, 7:12 PM
post c-section belly fat
I had 2 c-sections 28 years ago; they were vertical, from the belly button down.
Right after I had them it was easier to keep my tummy some what flat. But now that I am 50, it is much harder.
Friday, December 12, 2008, 7:53 AM
Belly fat
Just keep on exercising; something is better than nothing. Eat right for health, not for weight. You want to keep your muscle mass, not be skin & bones.
Friday, December 12, 2008, 7:55 AM
Thurs. Dec 14, 2006
Wow, I am the Thurs. Dec. 14, 2006 poster. I can't beleive it's nearly 2 years to the day later and I'm still in the same boat. I guess it's been 3 years since I've been doing Pilates religiously and I have nice upper-ab definition but the lower abs over the scar still flap over. If the OP is still around, I'd love to know where you're at.
Friday, December 12, 2008, 8:25 AM
I didn't realize this was an old topic from 2006. But, still a big issue for many. I had 2 c-sections. It's been 9 years. My stomach will never be the same. It's not bad. But, I have always been told cardio, cardio, cardio to burn the fat. Drop the pounds and fat, then it's the ab work. My scar is horizontal. And I scar bad anyway for everything. I understand that lower ab and above the scar, I have that too. I have seen people with c-section scars and they are nothing and flat tummies. Some people are lucky.
Friday, December 12, 2008, 2:24 PM
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