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Number of "treats" in a week?

I finally reached my goal weight about a month ago (YAY!) and am transitioning into weight maintaining eating patterns. The majority of the time I eat healthy whole foods...but now that I'm at my goal weight, I want to allow myself a few "treats" to enjoy each week. I started out by saying that I would only have treats for special occasions (really nice dinners out, parties, birthday celebrations at the office, etc)....that started out fine and I was having 1 to 2 "treats" per week and maintaining my weight loss. Now as the holidays are drawing closer the special occasions seem to multiple and my treat consumption has grown from that 1 to 2 per week to 5 to 6 per week. And I'm afraid my weight is going to follow.

So I'm trying to decide where to draw the line. I find that I do better if I set limits for myself. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on what they do?

Wed. Dec 13, 2:33pm

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I'm not sure that it's the number of treats so much as the kind and size.

A "treat" can be a big piece of chocolate layer cake or a few bites. So as the # goes up, the portions need to go down.

I am a believer in having small portions of things that I really like, which is why I actually like buffets. You can have a few bites of the bad stuff you really love, and larger portions of the healtheir foods and still not feel deprived.

For the holidays, that's what works best for me.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 3:17 PM

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I'm not sure that it's the number of treats so much as the kind and size.

A "treat" can be a big piece of chocolate layer cake or a few bites. So as the # goes up, the portions need to go down.

I am a believer in having small portions of things that I really like, which is why I actually like buffets. You can have a few bites of the bad stuff you really love, and larger portions of the healtheir foods and still not feel deprived.

For the holidays, that's what works best for me.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 3:17 PM

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I'm not sure that it's the number of treats so much as the kind and size.

A "treat" can be a big piece of chocolate layer cake or a few bites. So as the # goes up, the portions need to go down.

I am a believer in having small portions of things that I really like, which is why I actually like buffets. You can have a few bites of the bad stuff you really love, and larger portions of the healtheir foods and still not feel deprived.

For the holidays, that's what works best for me.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 3:17 PM

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