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special strategies to lose weight over christmas

Have any? I just saw this question in my group and thought it would be good to post here.

Wed. Dec 13, 12:42pm

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personally, i conduct myself the same all year long as far as weight maintenance. the holidays do not make it any different. i really don't understand why some feel any added pressure at this time. good luck! i saw a lot of other threads on this topic, so you may want to check those out for advice.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 1:06 PM

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I actually find it easier to lose around the holidays. Here's why:

When food is going to be an issue (a party with a ton of food), I try to stick to healthy options and low calories by not drinking alcohol or beverages with calories (i.e. eggnog, or even juice or regular soda), and I try and stick to one serving or less of anything that is unhealthy, and I stay motivated to do this b/c I don't want to gain.

Additionally, I don't know your situation, but I'm a 20-something without a ton of money. When I typically go out to eat, it's for something like a burger and fries, b/c that's way cheap. But, around the holidays, I find parents, etc., taking us out more often, and when that happens, I can splurge for, say, the green salad topped with salmon (light dressing on the side, no cheese, etc...)

When I eat at someone's home, I treat myself like a "little kid." There's almost always a main course of somethign like turkey or ham, both of which are low fat, high protein, and some sort of green veggie. I'm not allowed to have my dessert unless I've eaten my meat and veggies. If I actually do this, I'm not very hungry at the end, and I'll have an easier time only having a small serving of dessert, or skipping it entirely if it's something that I don't really love.

Also, I find more excuses to leave work early, etc., which allows more time for working out, or shopping (walking), which is also good exercise.

Good luck!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 1:13 PM

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